I have a 2005 Prius without Nav or premium audio. I'm interested in figuring out what I would need to get a backup camera working. Right now, I'm thinking I should go with the Can-VIEW product, but I'm unclear on the best/cheapest things to buy in order for this functionality to work. As I understand it, I'll need a camera, a CAN-VIEW, and a NTSC->RGB converter. 1) Which version of CAN-VIEW should I go with? V3? 2) Any recommendations on a good, cheap camera? I'm thinking of buying something off eBay... 3) What is a good, cheap converter to get to sit between the camera and the CAN-VIEW? thanks in advance!
Well You need V2 or 3. I did not go cheep on the camera though I did get an old Camcorder pointed out the rear window to see how it worked. Put it on a tripod and pointed it out the rear window. Here is a picture of that. Not that is cheep. All you would need is some duct tape to keep it in place while driving? I am having the Coastal Frame Cam installed tomorrow and will post pictures. As for the converter I used the one from the CAN-View site about 60 Pounds Sterling. Works very well.
CANview2 is a very good product not only to help you out interfacing a NTSC color or B/W camera, it will provide you a myriad of missing information on the Multifunction Display and keep you informed at all times, also is customizable for your needs of information. The RGBs / NTSC converterthat EFLIER recommends is the best there is around in terms of quality, probably not the cheapest. For cameras, choose the one with the highest possible resolution, 420 lines is very good. Probably not needed for this application. I bought a cuple of kits on sale with 380 lines, B/W off Ebay, (later modified it for the install) original made for home security purposes at $38.00 a piece. I've mounted it in the inside of the hatch door facing out. It does the job very well and accomplishes the purpose. I've setup CANview to activate the video input by pressing the audio button twice instead to activate it in reverse mode only. Here you can see some progress on the equipment and installation; the full install kit Pix 1, after painting the camera Pix 2 Pix 3 , view of the install from inside Pix 4, view from rear out side Pix 5 another close-up from inside Pix 6.. This answer goes to a new Thread
Where can one buy the camera you used? I like having it inside the hatch lid. How does one get power to the camera? I have CAN-View V.3 and love it! I got the RGB converter that eflier recommends and just got it working with my small video camera. So I am set to get a rear-view camera. Does any one know how the CoastaETech camera gets its power? Dave
It's not cheap, but you can get the OEM camera (i.e. the one that comes with the '06) on Sigma: http://sigmaautomotive.com/jdm/prius/prius0405.php That seems like a more elegant solution. Since the cut-out for the camera already exists in the '05s, I feel like I go this route if I ever decide to add a backup camera. Just my $0.02.
If I want to get the power for a rear-view camera from either a tail light or a backup light, can any one tell me which wire I should tape to get 12 Volts? How does CoastalETech power its rear-view camera? Doe any one have instructions for installing the CoastalETech camera? Dave
Power for the Coastal Camera is a tap from the backup light. I did not do it my self I had someone do it. The Coastal Camera comes with all the wires and instructions is all set up ready to go.
If you are going to use backup light as power source then tap to red wire at back of the backup light assy (see wiring diagram photo below). Is not difficult to find that wire. The complicate part is to route wires (cables) from power source (backup light) to the camera (on the back door). Frenchie did photos of cables routing on http://fxm78.perso.cegetel.net/installatio...ra_prius_fr.pdf You can see, also, photos of my rear view camera image: original camera for Prius (wide angle,clear image,very solid and miniaturized, ordered at Toyota dealer,very expensive). Installed on the original place at the back door after one whole day of work:routing of cables,drilling of the door, power source at 6V not 12V!