Hi guys, I need some feedbacks on how I have grounded the relay cables. Did i do it correctly or should mount the cables somewhere else? Any inputs would be greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance! I have the morimoto elite hid kit (plug n play) 35 watts, 4300k bulbs and hdrelay for my 2014 prius 3. Installation was easy. Took me about 2 hours, mostly spent on ziptieing and hiding all the cables. The kit works as described. I'm satisfied with the results (hid in halogen projectors). Here's the hd relay diagram For the Ground cable on the passenger side. I mounted it on the chassis ground ( correct me if I'm wrong). There's a cable directly from the (engine, I belive) already attached on there. Will it cause any problems? for the driver side I attached it on metal bracket of the inverter. Is this a good idea? (Really don't want to void my warranty) Here's the before and after of the light output incase ur interested Before After
I got the Morimoto 4300k bulb with the AMP OEM Denso slim HID system in my 2014. I went with the Canbus and the left side takes about 5 tries to light up the bulb. I ordered the relay harness and will be installing it this Monday. Apparently the Densos need a full charge of juice or else they click-off. I'm guessing the plug doesn't put out quite enough power, which is why I ordered the relay harness. Monday I may also try to poke-shut the squirrel spotter to kill the faint glare at the top of the beam.
Here's mine. I raised the passenger side beam since I shot the video. It was a little dark over there.
Any reason for going towards Denso AMP ballasts, I thought these were bare bones and are not weather protected like other ballasts. Did you have to put them in special location with any weather protection covering ??
I hid the Densos behind a plastic sound insulation thing up and under the quarter panels. If they get wet and get fried, then I'll install a pair of Morimotos. The Densos have a fast warm-up and is what are in the Lexus and Porsche brands. I read about bad Morimoto ballasts, ordered the Densos, then found out the problems with the Morimotos have been rectified and they are currently good to go.