been reading a lot about the prius v from this forum and I appreciate all the info. I'm looking to pull the trigger on the prius v pkg 2 and was quoted thru $24112 + tax and license. This is close to $2500 off the MSRP. I'm just wondering if this is a good enough deal or would it be prudent to wait for the 2015 since it's so close to being released (i believe). Thanks for any input. This is in So. Cal. by the way.
There is no big redesign or update that is planned for the v in 2015. So there should be no fire sale on 2014 models. That said they are in short supply at the large dealer I checked with, and only three v5s at $30k++ seem available at this large metropolitan area dealer where I've bought before.
I just bought a Prius v (lowercase v for Prius v the wagon) 3 two weeks ago and got a great deal, including the $1000.00 cash back from Toyota. My total was $3500 off MSRP. And it was under blue book.
I am being offered about $4500 off on the Prius v 5 - I am using Truecar - I have several competitive offers, from various dealers. All are at the very least 4K or more off MSRP...
just got a blizzard pearl v (lowercase v) model 2 this past weekend. I would have loved to shop around but we didn't have time and needed the car ASAP. Ended up paying $27,800 OTD with taxes, license and fees. Initial quote was $25,459 so that's not too far off from your truecar quote. Mine also included the rear bumper clear protectant. With the $1000 rebate, it would have come to $24,459. We took the $500 rebate since we took the 0% financing through Toyota. Carson offered $300 below ($24,159) what I got but I couldn't confirm that they had it in stock. I used my bank car buying services which is lower than Truecar by few hundred dollars. Note that blizzard pearl is additional $300 charge. Purchased my car at Miller in Anaheim BTW.