I have this link in my signature. It points to a spreadsheet and graph that I use to track my mileage. I've decided to overhaul it and write a manual to go with it. This way, when / if someone asks to have the spreadsheet, they will have a guide to help them maintain the spreadsheet and graph themselves. So if you have time, please take a look at the manual and tell me if it makes sense, if it helps explain the spreadsheet, and if I've left anything out. Thanks! -Tony
ok Tony, on my chart, i add additional columns for LT stats, that way i can get total gas money, gallons, winter miles, summer miles etc. that would greatly simplfy your LT mileage calculation. on your formula problem you can create and drag a single formula. in your chart. in C5 hit =$H%/$J% then hit enter. the $ is the absolute function and should keep a total that should change as you add lines. on mine, i put the LT average on the same line as the last gas entry that way i can see my progress and what my mileage used to be last year. i also break down the summer verses winter mileage as well. (this takes a mod twice a year to keep the two totals separate.) **edit** since i add cost per gallon, and total money paid, i also track cents per mile... that always gets non hybrid owners... they may not know what mileage their car gets but they do know how long their commute is and what their gas bill is. just my way of telling them they aint getting what they think they are
I add my life time numbers and cost/mi for gas. If I was more clever with Excel I would add a true cost/mi but I don't have much need for spread sheets in my work so I have never tried to do that. I have the data and I guess I should add it in but that would mean spending more time with Bill's application and I know Steve told me it was OK I still hesitate to spend too much time with the satin's reborn software. One never knows.
I can add a section to the manual describing other columns and numbers other people capture. I'm comfortable with the spreadsheet that I have now. Thanks for the input so far, guys. What did you think of the manual? Did it make sense?
Mine can do just about everything. All you need to input is date, location, how much fuel, the odometer reading, what multiplier you use (if any) to correct for odometer error, and how much you paid. The CO2 part I haven't set up yet for gasoline or ethanol. As for month-by-month totals, I simply use PivotTables. There are no macros in the spreadsheet. If you find any bugs, please let me know.