Hello fellow Prius owners. I bought the car last November and after a couple days of ownership I noticed this clicking noise coming from the rear. I thought it was something stuck in the wheel or tire but the sound didn't vary with speed. After some research I found out there was a fan back there. I've searched other threads and people who can hear their's say it just sounds like a fan. I haven't found anyone else who has one that clicks. Here is a video of mine after 15 minutes of easy driving averaging 25 mph. Outside temp is 61 F today and I had the fan running in the car set at 66. Any input would be very much appreciated, thanks!
this seems the fan is dirty, time to clean your HV fan . did the previous owner has pets where sitting on back seats? ....
I haven't found any pet hair in the car so I'm not sure if they had pets or not. I will dismantle the blower soon and report back. thanks!