Here's a synopsis of my buying experience in North Carolina, for whatever it's worth. In November I took a test-drive and decided I wanted to buy a Prius. My local dealer had what appeared to be a "slip-shod" process for trying to get one. You didn't specify anything other than the fact you wanted a Prius and they would allegedly call the list and it appeared the first one who came in and agreed to the money got the the car. It was pretty clear they would probably try to load up the cars with expensive options and there would be no ability to decline any of those options. (Subsequently this proved to be true as I saw them listed with cars having $3-4000. in extra options beyond the package price.) I got only one call from my salesman saying a car was due in but it wasn't anything I wanted. Since I'm basically cheap, I didn't push it with him. Searching the inventory listings we have for the Southeast region, I found a small dealer in Boone, NC (yes it's named for Dan'l) that had one coming exactly as I wanted. Being naive at that time I contacted the dealership and was told it was sold, but that they only had four or five people on their list and I could get on the list by giving them a credit card for a deposit not to be charged until the car was on the way in. So I got on their list. That was November 25 and the estimated wait was six to eight weeks. They seemed to be getting one car per allocation. By the end of January I was down to about number two on the list, but they only got one car in the next ~12 weeks. Nobody knows why. Then finally in the end of May I saw that they got another car, but it was a package 6 and I was looking for a #7. But by this time I was becoming less fussy and agreed to take it. Those things illustrate the problems in dealing with a small dealer. Now the good things. My salesman (also Sales Mgr.) said he would try to find someone to swap this #6 for a #7. I didn't have much hope, but a day later he called and said after a huge number of phone calls he had made the switch. He then told me when the car was due in port and that I had up until a couple of days before that point to tell him exactly which options I wanted added to the car and he would remove all the others. I only wanted mats. Thursday June 10, I traveled the 100+ miles to get the car and it was exactly as I'd been told, the price was MSRP and they have no administrative charges (zero, zilch, nada). Before I got to the Finance guy, I had the check all made out for the price of the car and he jokingly said, "what if I'd sold you the extended warrantee package?". I said, "that's why the check was already made out!" He laughed and that was the last of any extended warrantee discussions. In summary, you'll have to wait a long and indeterminate time, but at least this small dealer was an absolute pleasure to deal with and I got and paid only what I wanted with absolutely no pressure and I'm really happy ! Carl PS I got 54.7 MPG on the first 125 miles coming home. However this is a little deceptive since Boone is in the mountains (yes, for you midwesterners and left coasters, North Carolina has mountains ). There was a net elevation change of 3000'+. CK
Since it was mostly down-hill, the elevation was no problem at all, I even got to use the "B" position on the transmission. But I can't speak for how it would do going up-hill. Carl
He's a snowmobiler, IIRC. Just ignore him :wink: I go up to Boone once a year for skiiing (well, drinking beer and meeting up with my buddies from college mainly). Beautiful area!
What color did you get? I have a Driftwood, which I like, but I am envious of the Seaside Pearl. Of course, I'm also envious of the fact that you were able to have such a nice experience buying the car. I didnt have to wait at all for mine because my dealer was "no waiting list" but they also told me the $3K mark-up was "direct from Toyota" because the cars had been "undervalued." I also ended up with a #9, which I never ever would have chosen myself, but I'm very glad I have it now, because I use the DVD Nav all the time since I have no sense of direction. Plus, I am only 22 and I live at home, so I can pay off the car fairly quickly, and thanks to the mileage, basically drive it for the cost of insurance once it's paid off (2 years at this point).
Hey Danny!! :bootyshake: Hehehe, you haven't had fun untill you've spent a hard day running 150 miles of tight twisty trails. I can tell you for a fact that it's very possible to sweat enough to soak your clothes in below zero temperatures. With the new four stroke engine powered machines on the market now, sleddings only getting better.
One can do the same on cross country skis though not covering as much ground. Have done it in the Boundary Waters of Minnesota!! :mrgreen:
I remember learning how to use xc skis when I was a kid. They are a blast as well. So long as I'm outside having fun, that's my primary goal. Trail riding can be extremely challenging, especially when they're tight, and twisty, and the group has a high mileage goal. I haven't done any deep powder riding yet, but I'd love to do it sometime. I need to get out and try some snowshoeing as well.
woemcats - That is an outrageous lie that the dealer told you. You should report that to the Better Business Bureau, Toyota USA, & perhaps consult a lawyer. While they are allowed to place a surcharge on the car and price it whatever they want, this is a total lie and you were completely mislead by the dealer. That's what I would do, at least. Please post the name of the dealership so that we'll know. Wolfman - I'd love to try it someday. I don't get into the mtns much except for hiking - not much snow activity in the Southeast mtns
Well, it does say on the window sticker the $3K mark-up was a dealer premium, but the way she spun it was exactly that, that Toyota didn't charge enough for the car and that was what they were "worth." It was a little shady, but I don't think she went so far as to directly imply that Toyota had ordered the markup, but she did say every dealer was doing it out of necessity or something. It's my fault for not shopping around, I guess... I originally swore not to pay over MSRP, but her comments sounded truthful enough at the time (the fact that I was standing next to the car didn't help, of course).
Yup, I know the feeling. Winters in Texas are a joke. People start sliding into each other at the mere mention of snow in a weather forecast. :crazyeyes: