ETC. yeah the itching is all but gone... on the auction block right now Insurance Auto Auctions: Vehicle Details: Vehicles
Also, make sure and turn off the voice prompts (for beginners) in the settings menu for even faster response. I use it a lot to change back/forth from FM to XM or USB, etc. Click command paddle, listen for the tone, say "tune 91.1" Or "tune to the pulse" and it does much faster (and safer) than using the touch screen. Temperature? Yeah, the dial is WAY more efficient nor do I have any touch issues with the dial.
my finger tips are pretty callused, so the smooth surface of the dial makes gripping it hard. I woudl imagine a woman with long fingernails may also have trouble. the knob is only about 1/4" tall. Yeah I know minor gripes..
Setting the interaction level to "advanced" as fotomoto suggests will help reduce the time it takes to carry out voice commands.
Marc hope you like it!..say lately I'm hung up on reading FORD and TOYOTA hybrid warranties, to try to understand how the CARB warranty applies over VA/MD state line transfers. I believe in 2013 FORD clearly states for the first time that the hybrid extended batt warranty works if you live in a CARB state at the time of repair and you have PZEV on your emissions label (whereas Toyota has the additional rule that vehicle must also be first sold and registered in a CARB state). I'd be curious to know if you shopped in VA or MD for the CMAX and if VA, I'd be interested to know what kind of emissions sticker they gave you. If you bought in MD, I think I probably know it's a California style label and it must say California AT PZEV rated.
I bought it in MD. not sure of what sticker I should be looking for. but being the fact the car is going to registered in VA I don't think the extra CRAB warranty applies Have another Dislike- Not being unable to lower the back seats from the cargo area...
Marc- Good. Assuming I am reading the FORD hybrid warranty correctly, your MD-purchased CMAX should qualify for the extended CARB warranty, but only if the car is registered in a CARB state. So you're NOT covered in VA, but if you sell your car, I think it holds in MD. FORD's qualification system seems to be based on the vehicle/label and current state registration, whereas Toyota's qualification system is rule-based and you are probably familiar with some of the Toyota rules from Prius Chat. Under Toyota's system, your vehicle would be disqualified from CARB warranty becuase you registered in a non-CARB state. FORD has no such rule (as best I can tell). NOTE: I think FORD is looking for AT PZEV on your CA emissions label under the hood to confer full CARB coverage in CARB states.
Did a small weekend trip to Painesville OH from Northern VA (DC) area 909.2 total miles 20.9 gallons pumped just did a 0w20 oil change and bumped the tires up to 45 psi. outbound set the eco cruise at 60 and camped out inthe right lane, and tried to hold around 65 on the way home AC on... on the highway outbound my indicated fuel use was 11.32 but I pumped 12.31 gallons... coming home when I topped off the tank it was 8.4 indicated but I pumped 8.6 43.5 mpg. calculated indicated, on the first tank was 47.3 second tank 44..not too bad IMO Ford overstates as bad as the prius. I figured the prius would be about 10% higher...much closer to 50... Driver side door window ledge where you rest your left arm/elbow is padded... the right side armrest is just a smidge too short. Very comfortable on the long trip. the steering wheel and power adjustable seats are very adjustable so finding a comfortable position is easy enough. Very quiet comfortable ride. at 45psi the ride was still comfortable, but the cracks and expansion joints were noticeable. I don't have any big trips planned, so the next tank should be nearly 100% commute to-from work which should show better mileage.
had the cmax for nearly a dozen fuel ups... been happy with the car. getting the high MPGS like the prius is tougher... but my latest tank has been my best...48.8 indicated 45.7 actual 603 miles 48.9 mpg indicated 12.3 gallons indicated 365 ev 24mph average 13.3 pumped 45.7 mpg calculated
saw some photos but not in person. they are only looking at minor body styling change and some minor interior. no drivetrain changes.. I still have not done my seatback recall or the airbag recall... wife it supposed to travel for work in a few weeks so I'll turn it in and let is sit in their garage. I have not had any battery(12v) issues and the mysync only "crashed" once so far. but all it took was to pull over shut the car off and restart and all was well. On the plus side I'm due to receive a check from ford for the "mileage overstating" I'll take it... driven sensibly the ford will deliver the indicated mileage. there are a few people who have gotten 700 and 800 miles out of 13.9 gallon tank.. so exceeding the original published MPGS can be done. I have not made up grille blockers. so I expect to see a big hit come winter time... it doesn't compare to the prius lift back in regards to mpgs, but so far it does exceed in the creature comforts...