there is a yellow led under the dash above the brake pedal close to the pcs off switch which is constantly on. power off or power on don't matter.what is this led for and how can i turn it off. no abnormal lights on dash. 2010 prius technical pkg
This should not be on if your car is off. It's part of your technology package, footwell illumination
I don't think it turns on during the day when you are not using your headlights, it's on when you open the doors and when you use your headlights.
If it's your footwell LEDs and you don't want them on. Just pop the panel down and unplug them. Here's what they look like in my 2012. I think they're the same
Useless feature? Ever dropped something in the footwell? My gate opener is black. My footwell carpet is black. Without the light I would have to really stop and turn on the interior lights and search. iPad ? HD
In truth, you should stop and look anyway, instead of being distracted while driving. I replaced mine with white 3x4 LED arrays that I bought from eBay for a couple of bucks. Plug and play with the OE connector, and much more useful.
footwell lights are now operating normally.Phew. Thanks to Burna J, I know how to remove then if they act up again. I was worried about running down the 12 volt battery.
The footwell illuminator should eventually turn off when you walk away with your RFID fob. However, the power consumption is so small as to be insignificant.
Hi Jonny Zero, Can you send me another eBay link or the name of those LEDs you bought that replaced the yellow OEM? It would be much appreciated. The current link sends me to home page only. Thanks!