I took a curve pretty aggressively with my worn out tires. I was neither braking nor accelerating. The skid control icon flashed a few times, but there was no beeping. I am pretty sure the flashing was from VSC activation. I thought this is accompanied with beeping from the buzzer. Has this been changed for the newer models?
I never heard a beeping warning and the VSC is trigger every single day thanks to the roads conditions in my way back home.
Interesting. They must have changed it for the newer models. This is the first time I am sure VSC activated, thanks to the Texas drought. This is where I got the impression that there should be some beeping, albeit it is a 2010 in the video.
I rented a 2013 this past winter and drove down state to visit my dad and also for my grandma's 80th and I took it in a snowy (empty) parking lot and did some emergency swerving and heard no beeps like my Gen.2 or 2010 Prius used to. (I have a 2015 now.) Kinda sad because I liked the beeps. It let me know it was actually the VSC working and not ABS or TRAC control. I wonder if it's something the dealer can turn on?