I have solid up/down speeds and have run several tests and have confirmed that it is just PC that is very very very slow. Anyone else having similar issues? I thought once the site was "upgraded" it would return to acceptable speeds, but it's practically unusable the way it is. I get lucky on occasion, majority of the time, I can't browse at all without trying multiple times.
i use iPad Air, iPad mini with no problems on a very slow DSL. it may be your machine,,, or people exceeded downloads with movies or youtube on your internet,,,, just guessing
Works fine most of the time. Sometimes it is slow for no apparent reason. That can last as much as a few hours or as short as 10 minutes then it is okay again. There can be bottlenecks out there in internet land that affect some regions and not others. It could even be your provider.
Thanks for the reply guys...however, you all have missed my point? I've run tests and it's only PC. All other sites are quick. It seems that when I log in, the slowness starts. When I'm browsing as a guest, no issues...weird.
PC is even working fine for me on my ancient laptop. The old version of this website was sloooow, but this latest one is fine. I concur with others, it's your local machine. Clear your cache as there might be something in there causing conflicts or whatever. Seriously, if a site works fine on my old laptop, then it works fine
EXACTLY the problem that I had. Fought with Danny for MONTHS and got no help. Extensive testing across several weeks, several client machines and various browsers proved that my user files on PC were somehow corrupted. Danny didn't seem to care about that either. Creating a new user name solved the problem for me 100%. It's been humming right along for several months now. You need a different email address for that to work however. My first user was created with the "help" of Facebook. THAT might have been part of the problem.
It's a free forum, no membership is payable. Crikey guys, give him a break. You get a service significantly higher than what you pay in (nothing).
While it is free to US, that doesn't mean that it isn't a business that provides the owner with income. A business owner who doesn't take care of his "customers".......who provide him revenue in this case because of the "click count" on the ads.......won't be a successful business owner for very long.
I think this thread has jinxed my laptop. This website is now impossibly slow when posting a thread. It's fine at other times, but posting anything is hit and miss
I agree with your comments; but it doesn't happen to often, certainly at peak hours of PC activities.
Sometimes the website is slow and sometimes its not. Sometimes posting is slow and sometimes its not. For some folks its slow and for some its not. I wonder how Danny makes that happen. Golly... do you suppose it could be the internet and not Danny or the website software?
posting has been slow for me the last few days, and i've had a few dupes because of it. it's good this morning, hopefully all fixed.