So I went for a Sunday drive East out to the Columbia River Gorge in search of fresh Hood strawberries, some of the best anywhere. I found some at my favorite small family stand in the foothills town of Corbett. I continued on to a beautiful overlook at Crown Point. Here's a link to a panoramic view. Pulling in to the parking area, I saw a new Chrysler Crossfire and parked next to it. It still had the paper temp tag in the window. I must say it's a beautiful car, and I spent some time looking at it before walking around the park. After 10 minutes or so I went back toward my car and saw a small crowd close to it. I thought they were looking at the Crossfire. Instead, all 7 tourists were looking the Prius over. One was jumping around to look in all the windows. I was trying to hear their comments as I walked up, and they were something like "yeah, but just try to find one", and "wow, it's bigger than I thought". Needless to say, I was proud of my Voltswagen...and nobody gave the Crossfire a second glance except me!
Pu-LEEZ!!! Of COURSE the Prius is better!! Now I'm sure that some of the people crowded around the Prius might have been more family oriented, and thus were interested in the practicality of the Prius' size, and others were drawn to the fact that it's non-standard technology and wanted to see the dash layout. Also, it's gotten SO much news publicity and so little visual exposure (commercials) that seeing one in the flesh is a real treat for many people. I agree that the Crossfire is eye-catching, but I would probably not go as far as walking up and minutely examining it since I've frequently seen commercials for it.
Indeed, a Prius in the wild is rare I for sure haven't seen one yet (except for the one I drove for test drives). As for the Crossfire, it's a very nice car, but it's not a Prius.
Okay. I'll say it! As far as looks go, the '04 Prius is a lump. I don't much care for its looks at all. That's the price we pay for that 0.26 coefficient of drag. The Crossfire in the photo is a much nicer-looking car. That said, who needs a gas-guzzling 215 hp engine when you have an electric motor with 295 ft-lbs of torque in addition to your efficient little 76-hp gas engine? And the Crossfire looks like about the size of an Insight, with none of the Insight's many advantages. I've never placed much importance on looks. The Crossfire has looks. The Prius has substance, quality, Toyota reliability, and that priceless Kermit factor.
i agree i would rather have a prius, but the crossfire is a beautiful car. but then, i also own an avanti, which some say is quite ugly...
Funny you should ask. Yesterday a Crossfire happened to park right behind my Prius on the street outside my house. The thing that struck me most was the contrast in wheel sizes. The cars were roughly the same size (Crossfire is a little smaller), but they both looked Odd compared to the surrounding cars. The Prius looks like it's running on skateboard wheels, largely I think because of the Trim Rings, and the Crossfire looks to be all wheels and no car. They're both way out of mainstream proportion. Seeing them side by side just emphasized it. The Crossfire is nice looking, but I think I'd get claustrophobic in it after a few minutes, while the Prius is really large and airy feeling inside. And, after all, I spend more time looking at the inside than the outside
I like the looks of the Crossfire. However, the price is too high, and the practicality (damn sensible side), make it little more than a pleasure vehcle at best. On the latter, the Prius has it all over the Crossfire.
Who are you idiots trying to kid? The Crossfire is a beautiful car. And it's a lot bigger than an Insight. It is a full sized, two seater. Yes, that is an oxymoron. All things being equal, for pure driving pleasure and personal comfort, the Crossfire and the Prius aren't even in the same league. The Prius is a well appointed econobox with state of the art electronics and the most advanced drivetrain of any assembly line produced vehicle on the market. It is at the top of the curve in gas mileage and aerodynamics. But comparing it's curb appeal to a Crossfire, get real!!!!
Realize that Dodge / Chrysler has made a comeback basing its designs on strong popularity figures--where people don't just "like" a design, they LOVE it. Conversely, some people HATE the designs. In doing so, the automaker has built strong loyalties amongst its car-buyers. The Crossfire is a manifestation of this design philosophy, so you can easily expect many of us "Idiots" to dislike the car strongly. Personally, I applaud the manufacturer who takes these chances; it makes cars interesting--far more interesting than the econobox Camry/Accord/Civic/whatever designs that appeal to the public. That said, I still think the Crossfire is butt-ugly. Go get your hemi-powered hog and enjoy the last days of petrol.
I definitely agree that "standard" sedans are extremely boring. Chrysler made a real statement with the PT Cruiser, and I applaud them (and Scion, Honda Element, etc.) for pushing the envelope in designing cars (even if I don't happen to be in love with their designs!). We used to have an '85 Honda wagon and we called it our Tonka Toy! I'm sure some people thought it was ugly, but I liked the distinctive styling--and its usefulness for cargo/passenger area is only surpassed by our lovely new Prius. I'm really glad that the Prius is no longer a sedan--I love the new styling, and I'm really proud to be driving around in such a great car!
I'd throw in with Michael and Pat -- there do seem to be some more distinctive designs out there these days. I'd throw in the Honda Element/Scion "box car" styles, and even the (urgh) Aztec, as examples of other styles out there that escape the Generic Camry Look. Agreed -- very few of these are styles I personally would want to buy. But it makes the scenery more interesting, that's for sure.
I liked the Crossfire better the first time, when it was this: [Broken External Image]:
I never cared for cars with LONG hoods. Even though I am 6'1", I always found it annoying to have to look out over that long hood to see the road. Interior space in the Crossfire must be somewhat limited. I really think it is good for Chrysler to try some new design stuff - they need something to define their place in the market. The Prius may be boring to some, but I am more enthralled with what is UNDER the short, severely sloping hood.
i think the Crossfire is a nice looking car but so is a Ferrari. I cant afford to drive either one. As for designs, we are definitely seeing the greatest variety of automobile designs than we ever had in the past. Also many more niche cars are available. I think its going to continue to move in that direction as we are classified, stereotyped and identified by what we drive. And i think the automobile still has more growing to do in the status symbol arena. and the trend is more obvious now more than ever. No longer is functionality the main driving force behind purchasing decisions. It still is for me i think, but that is why i am not about to go out and buy a stylized tank to use as a deterent on the freeways either. personally, i think a Crossfire that isnt a convertible is a total waste of money even if i had the money to blow.
great area. I go whitewater rafting on the Dechuttes River in Maupin, OR and here is a pic of the Observation Point from a different angle. If you look closely you will see Crown Point perched on the edge of the cliff located right of center in the pic. [Broken External Image]: