So what is the final verdict on roof racks for the Prius C? I know there is a Rhino Rack 2500 that works for some and others suggested the Inno rack? Which do you have and how well have they worked? Any problems? Is either one easy enough to remove when not needed? How much of a highway mpg loss (assuming not carrying anything) ?
I'm looking into this myself. The only other rack I know of that will fit the C is Yakima's Whispbar (about $100 more than the Rhino Rack). I was hoping to find someone who got an old set of Q clips to work, or something else cheaper, but no luck so far.
I'm hoping there's something out there - we've got an older Yakima rack, and want to be able to carry our bikes on the C without having to spend an arm and a leg.
well, would be easy to get an idea on the hit to mpg. it's all sprung weight, so get the weight of the rack + the bike you plan on using. say it's all 250 lbs, it would be like having a fat friend in your vehicle.
I'm relocating from Florida to South Dakota for a job and just bought and installed a Rhino Rack 2500 with euro square bars last night. The roof rack was a little time consuming to put on but once you get it set up it only takes a few mins to take off or put back on. I will give an update on how it held up when i get to SD.
I ended up buying a universal rack on amazon for 69$ shipped. I had to use 2 different braces for the front and back. I also had to use my yakama cage to keep the 2 bars from sliding towards each other. have had it on the car for over 5k miles so far and have done a road trip of 650miles with it loaded. every day use I avg 32miles each way 17miles freeway rest in town. I get 48mpg per tank without rack, 47 with. when I had it fully loaded for my road trip with the interior loaded I avg. 41 mpg. beats taking a 2nd car or renting a bigger one.
I've had the Rhino-rack Rs 2500 with fork mount bike carriers on my C for a year and a half. Getting them on was pretty easy, and I've had no need to take them off. They've taken off, maybe a mpg or two on the highway. But when two bikes are on the mileage really tanks.
I used a whispbar setup that I fit to my C. works great for bikes. Bought a fitkit and used bars from ebay.
I was wondering this also. The ino racks seem to be the go to in Japan. Seems to look very nice compared to the rino.