Yesterday, while viewing the map screen on the navigation system of my 2005 Prius, the map details simply vanished. I was getting all other information on the screen including the GPS sign, but simply no street or highway information whatsoever. When I was able to stop the car and re-booted it, the screen returned to normal and has been working properly ever since. I’ve had the car for well over a year now and this is the first time I’ve seen this happen. Has anyone else had this occur, and is this a possible hint of a developing problem? Many thanks, Alan
I had it happen to me the first week I got my 06. I had an 05. After I turned the car off and restarted, it has never happened to me since. Just like your senerio. I almost forgot about it until I read this post.
This happened to me once. I had just gotten off a freeway (and was turning left to go across it) when the screen suddenly went blank and slowly gave odd information that had nothing to do with the surrounding area (for example, there was suddenly a golf course to my right). I wasn't able to stop and power off, but about 30 seconds it corrected itself. This happened some time ago.
The same condition happened with my navigation system in my 2005 Prius. It appeared to be an interpret of the GPS signal. When the signal returned, the system positioning was in the center of river. The system reset itself after about a minute, and the problem has not reoccurred.
Last week I noticed all of Madison, AL went missing on my NAV system. After reviewing this forum, I took the vehicle into the dealer. All he did was confirm the problem and said he would have to call the "region." No amount of re-booting seemed to help. Has anyone gotten a "fix" from a dealer? More later.
SMB, I currently live in Huntsville, and when they upgraded my DVD to 4.2 from 3.x, I also lost all of Madison, AL. I went to Bill Penney Toyota, and he told me the same thing. If you're from the area, we should consider going to Toyota together and demand they give us the latest DVD version.