Hi I have 2012 aqua and it has done 12,000 KM on it. When I press the throttle further, the ICE kicks in and there is a kind of rattling sound coming from ICE at times (not Rev up sound). However, when the car is in idle , the ICE kicks in to charge the battery and that time I hear only engine Rev up sound and not a rattle. I m yet to put an appointment with local toyota agent and pls help to identify the problem
Have you been good about checking the oil level in your car? An overfilled, or underfilled oil reservoir can cause numerous problems, including damage to your valve train/guides that could cause the rattling sound you describe.
Thanks for your reply. the noise comes at times even when I take the foot off as well as when I push gas . and when I drive fast pushing gas further , the noise not to hear.I feel like the mechanics did not tighten something at the last service at 8,000Km. Can the car indicators tell us our engine oil level.. Could it be engine tune up problem?
I got my car checked by local toyota agent. They recommended a engine tune up and they did . However, the rattling noise still comes. Toyota agents said that this is normal , and the clutch between motor and engine sometime can make jerk noises when it combines two power streams. and further they said that this problem is there even in prius. But I feel there is something wrong. Engine oil level is fine.Pls help
Clutch? MG1, MG2 and the gas engine are all on the same shaft. Someone correct me if I'm wrong, please.
This is a weird possible culprit - we had a rattling sound only at low speeds (with or without gas engine) and it was a pebble that found its way into the rotor. It sounded almost as if it was coming from the cowling that surrounds the exhaust system but it was indeed a medium sized pebble.
i hope they didn't charge you for the tune up! anyway, why don't you take a new one for a spin with the toyota agent and see if it makes the noise?
Of course they charged for the tune up... and I still hear the noise at times when accelerating and when engine kicks in. cmllr- Can please explain what is exactly meant by "pebble that found its way into the rotor" ?. and how did they sort it out. Thanks
Exactly what it sounds like, there is a space on the inside of the rotor (passenger side in our case) it would clang around inside it and occasionally hit the metal shroud that is probably there to protect it from debris (lol). They sorted it out by removing the passenger wheel and rotor - the pebble was between 1/2 - 3/4 inch in size and was nicely burnished from the time it spent rolling around in there - pulled the rotor off and it fell out.
Thanks. However, I feel that the sound I hear at times is not coming from wheels.something to do with engine kicking in I suppose.....and I do not hear in EV mode
I had a similar sound that sometimes occurred between 1600 and 1700 rpm (scangauge). It never sounded like an engine or mechanical problem, just a sort of tuned rattle. While touching and moving things in the engine compartment looking for the possible culprit, the one thing I was able to make noise with was the small black clamp that holds the rod that props the hood open. When the rod is clamped into it, it might act as a sort of tuning fork with a rattle. I wrapped a rubber band around the base of the clamp and haven't heard the sound since. I'll be tickled if this solves your problem as well.
Consider yourself tickled. I've been having a rattle sound as mentioned by the OP. When you mentioned the hood rod, I thought, I just changed the air filter. Did I forget to snap it back in its holder? Yup, I opened up the hood and the rod was just dangling there on top of the ICE. No more sound. THANK YOU!
Did you manage to find out the reason for this? I am also facing this issue with an Aqua 2013 I purchased in August 2015.
Maybe the gas you're using? Where I live gas is very poor quality, and when I fill up with 91(which is really about 88) as stated by the manual engine begins to rattle, therefore I use a higher octane gas and rattle goes away. SM-J105M ?