just bought an almost new used prius c . i.ve owned a gen2 prius for several years now and love it. bought it on a whelm great price impulse purchase. didn't really know much about prius c's but figured after gen 2 most features would now be standard. after purchase on way home found out i had bought a c1 which didn't have cruise control i can live with it if i have to but prefer to have it. i've read all over this site and done a search but haven't really found answer i was looking for. needing to know if i can add cruise control and how much trouble it would be. i did find a thread that showed after market add on cruise but doesn't say if i could use on c1 or if it was replacement for existing factory installed cruise. any advice would be helpful and thanks and god bless
i also have a base c1 without cruise. it was a selling point for me because i didn't want the sudden acceleration problems that cruise allegedly has. also the interior is larger without the middle console so wifey and I still can get cuddle moments long gone since bench seats. and it starts with a key like a normal car. long live the c1 !! good luck in your search.
C 1 was my choice as well, as nothing else was needed by me, simple and clean is how I like it. Yes you can add cruise control do a search on this site.
I had the c 4, which comes with all the bells & whistles. Granted I don't use the navigation much, but it's nice to have in the car, along with those extra speakers and fog lights (why is this not an option on the lower trims?), and heated seats are really nice in Wisconsin winters. Regarding cruise control, I think you can add it in, but I'm not sure about the cost. I found myself not using cc much at all, mostly because I like to play the mini-game known as the eco-score to try and maximize my mpg (averaged 58 mpg, but sometimes I could hit 70-80 doing slow city driving). It is nice if your feet are tired and you don't feel like pressing on the gas though.