I have been working on installing Clazzio leather seat covers on a 2014 Plugin Prius. I have been able to do the front seats without too much difficulty, but now need some guidance on how to remove rear seat. I find other listings for earlier model Prius cars, but I want to hear from someone that has actually removed the rear seat. I have tried pulling UP with some force, but the rear bench didn't budge. I don't want to break or deform anything. Can someone confirm that the rear seat deck on a 2014 Plugin can be removed by simply pulling UP really hard?
Just did mine in the Pip. Same as the other directions for older Prius. There are two areas at seat that you pull up on. Take you hand and run it between the space between the seat and the car frame and start from center and run to the right and left. Where you feel a stop us where you need to lift. It's almost like a snap on button. After you lift then feel the seat back and there is a hook from seat back shaped like a U. The seat bottom has some horizontal U hooks that hook onto the other U. It prevents the seat from sliding forward. You can probably life the seat up and then will have to jiggle loose the other hooks.