gasoline vaporizer kit? I found some videos on youtube. does it really work? I see some people doing this on lawn mower and it works. 1 gallon of gas = 160 gallon or vapor.
I wouldn't try this on a Prius, but you wont have as much at risk if you use it on your mower. You might find it is merely a "money vaporizer".
The guys over at Jalopnik have a good write about about this video. I'm unable to link it, because I'm a noob here! Basically....BS.
Vaporizers are nothing new. I remember reading an article about them in Popular Mechanics or a similar magazine over 40 years ago. Boiling the gasoline and blending the resulting vapor with air causes rapid detonation problems, which causes excessive strain on wrist-pins and crankshafts. An entirely different engine design would be required. The Honda CVCC engine was a partial step in that direction; it burned a lean mixture in the combustion chamber, but it was buffered with a richer mixture in a secondary chamber, which absorbed the shock of rapid detonation. As computer-controlled fuel injection became common, the advantages of the CVCC became less relevant. Before the diesel engine was widely adopted in the US, internal combustion engines were equipped with vaporizers to allow them to burn fuel oils such as kerosene. The early Fordson tractors were so equipped. Diesel engines subsequently proved to be a more practical way to burn such fuels.
Its not worth the effort. Even in a carburator the fuel is metered into the air stream as a tiny stream of liquid that is fragmented quickly into a near gaseous state. If it didn't, combustion would be tough to get. The process is not as good as fuel injection where the liquid at high pressure is very well injected as a gas into the air stream. You might get an increase in mpg for changing to gas injection in a lawn mower carb but the change in jet size and control of injection pressure is a bit complicated. In essence its changing a lawn mower from metered pulling liquid into the airstream to pressurized injection, which, by the way your Prius already has. It has no benefit, and lots of drawbacks, for the Prius.