We have a 2005 Prius that came with only one key and we have misplaced it for over 2 weeks now. I did some quick searches and found out that many were able to program their new fobs from the place I purchased mine by doing the Chicken Dance, so I ordered without really reading the Chicken Dance instructions and realizing that it calls for the original key I have been searching but unsuccessfully to find if anyone was able to program a new key without having an original key? I am dreading having to have the car towed to the dealer and paying to get this new key programed. And I know, shame on me for not immediately getting a 2nd key when we bought the car with only one key. Thanks in advance for any help.
You must have an original fob for the chicken dance to work. The only way to now get a fob working is to have a dealer reprogram the car or a locksmith with the correct equipment. This involves connecting the car online to Toyota to re seed the code in the security ECU. Even the dealer would normally require a working fob to program the car to another fob even with the equipment. The reason behind this is that otherwise anyone could break into your car and with a spare fob drive and the car away. John (Britprius)
Im paraphrasing Britprius here a little.... but so, how deep are your pockets?? I'd be looking real hard for that original FOB if I were you.... REAL hard.
If it's cheaper you may also be able to buy used transponder key ecu and key that works with it. But in that cause you also need to somehow get correct physical key (locksmith or Toyota dealer) that works on driver’s door. Unless you also buy door lock from same car.
The problem is not getting into the car. Any good locksmith can make a key to fit the lock barrel. That's the easy part, getting the car to recognize the transponder in the fob is the problem to be able to start the car. To do this you need to be able to boot the security ECU to be able to program it to accept the new fob. Without a working fob there is no way to do this without resetting the seed code in the ECU. The car is programmed to the fob "the fob is not programmed to the car". John (Britprius)
Ooooo, Jaime please please try and find your FOB. Here's a local Toyota Prius key story. When I was running the traps to get a second FOB for our Prius one of the dealers that I called gave me this story. So a lady (sorry ladies) comes out of a local open air shopping mall to her Prius. She depresses the unlock button repeatedly on her FOB. The car never responds. After several failed attempts to unlock the door (don't know why she never tried the actual key) and out of frustration she calls the dealer to tow her car to figure out what the issue is. The dealer tows the car. The dealer asks her for her FOB, she obliges. They must of scanned the FOB and the VIN. Turns out she had the dealership tow someonelse's Prius that looked identical to hers. DON'T!!!! Needless to say the lady was embarrassed beyond belief and the dealership had a large crow pie to eat with the rightful owner. Because of stores like this the dealership will have a ton of obstacles for you to navigate to prove ownership. Then, I think he even said they now have to get authorization form some regional administrator. Bottom line this will likely be a painful and expensive process. So as a PSA for anyone else with only one FOB for your gadget car, buck up and get yourself a second. Wishing you good luck that your FOB turns up.
Yes I know I only mentioned that because it will be one more extra expense if you go with that route. In the car the key is actually programmed into transponder key ecu. Transponder key ecu is then programmed into hybrid control ecu. So you can buy used transponder key ecu and key that is programmed into it. You just install that “new” transponder key ecu. Then you can put power on (but not start the car) with “new” key. Then use techstream or even scangauge to remove correct fault code. Then install jumper wire for correct place for correct time to program hybrid vehicle ecu to accept new transponder key ecu. Then you can just drive away. And then (if new key is master) you can install new keys to car (or to be more precise transponder key ecu).
^^^^ What a story!!! As I read it, I even predicted that the lady had the wrong Prius towed. To the OP: Good luck finding your FOB.
You cannot program the car to accept a new transponder "even with Techstream" if you do not have an original or a working transponder fob" without having the Toyota security hookup via the internet. John (Britprius)
I haven’t actually done this but I’m looking at Toyota service manual. Transponder key ECU is where list working keys is kept. And after replacing transponder key ECU you only have to clear fault code and bridge correct terminals for 30min and then it should start. Or is it really made that way that this can only be done with new transponder key ECU?
If I were in your shoes and I really couldn't find my key, I would call Steve at autobeyours.com. He is the most knowledgeable person, I know of, on this and might have a solution for you.
...still waiting on my new SKS key fob to arrive in the mail. Fortunately, I have a master fob still... but its the only one I have as my other quit working last week. Im real nervous - its my luck that I would lose my keys waiting for the new fob!!
Do not have your FOB and an iPhone in the same pocket at the same time. The iPhone cancels the FOB. Carry your phone elsewhere on your body.
I hope you have resolved you situation by now. Just off the subject a little. I carry both my fobs around with me, seems like if I lost one I would have the other to get in my car. Someone might say, what if you lost both. Highly unlikely....
Even if the SKS part does not work I bet if you put the fob in the slot the car will still start. This is the part that allows the chicken dance routine. You can still get in the car with the key. John (Britprius)
I've managed to do the chicken dance on my car to re-associate the transponder of a fob to my car worked perfectly. Here is a good question. it appears that the intruder alarm, if fitted, is not associated with a new fob. I this correct? How does one also get the intruder alarm recognise the new/replacement's fob's lock and unlock remote commands?
Is there a sort of chicken dance to get the car to forget all the transponders apart from the one used, then a chicken dance to re-introduce the fobs one still has?
I know this is 7 years later, but my solution to this was to take my second fob (key only) and hide it under the car in one of those magnetic boxes with a combination. I then take the battery out of the fob, and hide those separately really well IN the car in a baggy, so that in the event i lose/destroy my working one, the other is located with the car. And even if someone finds/uses the hidden key under the car, they’d have to find the fob and battery, presumably in separate locations. All this bc i windsurf and am therefore forced to either 1.) hide the key in the sand where any senior citizen walking the beach with a metal detector can find, or 2.) hide it in the car wheel well or similar but thieves would know this i’m sure especially at a beach where they could know i’m not close to the car, or 3.) risk it by bagging it and carrying it with me in the water (of which condensation still forms in the bag and rusts the battery/ fob internals rather quickly)