In 2009 I came here looking for good advice about buying a prius and I got it. Since then I haven't been back much. But I've loved the car completely. I just traded it in on a new one. So I am again truly grateful for all the great ideas I've learned from here. If I hadn't used the aerospace protectant and the scotchguard and the zaino, when I bought my 2010, it wouln't have garnered the trade-in money that I received today. Thanks for the lists of customizable features. Now I'll never wake the neighborhood again with the Panic Button tripping the horn at 3 am accidentally. I could go on and on about the help you folks give me. I even found a great dealership through prius chat, and I made the 2 hour trip to Asheville today to see about trading in the 2010 with 97k miles. They were wonderful again. Thanks to Danny and all the other folks here who give their wisdom and advice freely. I bought a 2010 White Prius II in '09. Today I traded it in on a '14 White Prius II. Color doesn't matter. What a great car. Great site too. I'll see you in 10 years. Drivin' happy for now!
97K miles on your 2010 before buying the 2014 model. Sounds like you'll be back when you have 250K miles on the new car