I'm leaving town for about 11 days. Will I have 12V battery problems when I return and try to start it? I have a brand new 12V battery. Would it be OK to disconnect it?
you shouldn't have any problem, but if you want to be sure, put a smart charger on it or disconnect the negative 12v cable. if you don't want to go to the trouble, turning off the sks switch below the steering wheel is a big help. all the best!
One thing I seem to notice is when the Prius sits for a week or so, if I just drive off the HV battery seems to go to purple kind of fast especially if A/C on. I am going try to remember to let the car warm up a few minutes before I just pull out after it sits a spell.
Another option is to disconnect the 12v battery to prevent slow drain.... and lock the doors manually. BTW, dumb keys are harder to lose. Smart keys can make the owner look stupid sometimes.