With the warmer weather in Chicago my Prius around town recording 63mpg per tank. Anyone else getting great numbers?
Upper 70's , Low 80's always provided great results for me... even way back with my 2001 model. The engine, battery, and emission-system are all quite happy when it's warm like that, but not hot enough to need A/C.
Interestingly enough though, if I leave my climate control set to "auto", the AC light is always on. Does the Prius prefer to have the AC running to reduce humidity or internal temp for the battery? If this is the case, will it be undesirable if I shut off the AC?
If you're comfortable, so is the battery. When it gets hot & humid, take advantage of the A/C. It's electric, so the penalty isn't that much more than driving with all the windows down.
I do just like you do. I like to be comfortable and I think it will be better for the battery. It's costing us very little by doing this.