Date Ordered: 2/26/2006 Dealer Ordered From (Incl. City/State): Dublin Toyota, Dublin, CA (SF Bay Area) Timeframe given for delivery: 3 weeks Color: Barcelona Red Option Package: #3 Your # on Dealer's Waiting List: No idea, but "next shipment". Delivery: 3/24/2006 (4 weeks) Price: $300 under MSRP, "Costco Deal". Very painless, highly recommended. Toyota Finance gave me lousy rates though -- got a credit union with a rate half what Toyota offered, and I have a 800+ FICO score. So shop around, and don't just take their rates! Prem Chand and his brother Satish were the fleet sales folks who worked with me. Highly recommended.
W00t! Enjoy! If you went through the Costco deal, didn't you automatically get offered the low-rate financing (about 5%)? Maybe your CU was better than that, anyway. I got my red #3 last month and have been busily outfitting it with seat covers, tint, mud flaps, a bra, side moldings, Zaino, etc. Hopefully this ultra-wet spring we've had will clear up (maybe next week, when Daylight Savings kicks in?) so you can enjoy it.
Yeah, I got offered that 5.25% for 3 years Capital One deal from Costco, but it couldn't beat the 3.49% 3 year loan from a credit union that I qualified for because I worked in San Mateo County. B) The 6.99% (any length from 3 to 5 yrs) offer from Toyota was completely ridiculous. As for customizing... Spinners! (j/k, but wouldn't 15" spinners just be so wrong?)
Ha, no, just standard auto financing. They also offered a home equity option, so you could also take a tax deduction but offer your home as security. But that's adding risk where there's only a few hundred dollars gained, in my case. is the link to the credit union.