Today I took delivery of my very first Prius, a 2014 Prius 4. Overall I really like it, as I expected to. I didn't expect to like the navigation system functionally (I'm a Garmin fan, and plan to add a Garmin to my Prius soon) -- but what really surprised me was how impossible it is to see the map with sunshine on the screen, or to see anything else for that matter. They did a great job of "hooding" the displays on the dash, but not this screen. This seems like such an obvious design flaw -- how can any screen be usable for any function, including the audio system, when you can't see it! -- that I wonder if I'm missing some setting which would make the screen more usable. Am I? Phil
I'll have to figure out how to adjust the contrast and brightness; car came with an overwhelming amount of manuals. I did see a thread with a cardboard hood design. I'll have to try that!
I used a tablet's anti-glare screen protector and cut it perfectly to the size of the navigation screen. It cost me less than $2 from eBay. I recommend to purchase a better quality anti-glare than Chinese made.
Not substantial but better than before. Secondly, I bought the cheap anti-glare screen protection as an experiment to see if it works. Also, having the front driver and passenger side windows tinted (35%) contributed in reducing the glare on the navigation screen.
Its really nice that Toyota provided this ideal place for your Garmin. I tried the Nav a few times in my Prius Three. I've never even used it in my PiP.
The suction cup holder that comes with the Garmin. That's why that little glass window Toyota supplied is really neat. I use a 12v extension cord from the outlet below the shifting console and put all the extra cable in the "box" back and to the left behind the parking brake. The cable up to the dash area can be crammed into the slot along the door frame.
Legal in CA, where I am too? Hmm.. Guess that's not the windshield despite being in front! I'm currently using a friction mount in that area of the dash but will try your approach when I get home from my first Prius trip.
You are allowed to block up to a some number of inches (6?) in the lower left corner of the windshield. This does not block any part of the windshield. The location of the glass is usually not glass on almost every other car. I hope Toyota keeps the Prius that way in case I want to move to a newer model.