Hey all, I am taking the Prius plunge and convinced a friend to join me so we should both be getting our cars in the next 4 weeks! I have been researching this car and educating myself through this site for about 5 months and have learned so much from everyone's posts, great site! I finally worked out a deal with someone and had them fax it to me with thier signature and all the costs. I wanted to know if anyone knows what all these extra fees are and if there necessary. Were both getting pkg 7 got the price to 28,111 and she's going to throw in free tint and the emergency kit, ok deal, not outstanding considering the demand and were getting 2 cars, but hey just excited to get the car! other charges doc fee: 369.00 registration: 8.25 Lieu tax: 354.00 tire tax: 6.00 title fee: 4.00 postage: 3.00 total tax: 2,276 out the door cost will be 31,132 yikes! so all the additional fees add up to 3,011. That seems like a lot of extra charges, but maybe it's standard. Anyone out there know about this stuff? Appreciate any advice.
I'm in Arizona. I think most of the fees seem fine, the only one I really queston is the lieu tax, what is that? We both put down our $500 yesterday and hope it won't be more than 6 weeks from now before we see our cars. I know it can take some time, from what iv'e read. I just wanted to make sure we wern't getting ripped off with some added hidden charge, especially since were buying two cars, not that that has been in our favor much with the demand, it hasn't made much of a difference as far as negotiating.
I'm having trouble with your math/numbers. What adds up to $2276? $3011? ($2276 plus the fees you list almost = $3011) Is $2276 sales tax? Postage and tire tax are petty things that most dealers would be embarrassed to itemize. Never heard of a "lieu" tax---you should ask right away (it won't sound dumb). In CA the doc fee is limited to $45 by law. In states where it's unregulated, it's largely extra profit---and negotiable. (In theory they're charging you for the time spent by their people "upstairs" who document the sale in various ways---in other words, their normal operating overhead. If their people are paid an average of $15/hr., they're charging you for more than 24 hr. of their time!) Never be afraid to question ANY fee from a car dealer. It's YOUR money. Only the registration fees are set by law.
Lieu taxes are taxes levied in lieu of other taxes. It sounds to me as though the dealership is trying to pass along to you part of a tax that it is supposed to pay itself, in return for being exempted from some other tax. If this is the case, it is dishonest, as they are merely charging something above MSRP without admitting it. The Document Fee sounds excessive to me. I paid $149 doc fee. I thought $50 would have been reasonable, but decided not to quibble about the $100 because they had gotten me exactly the car I wanted in less time than originally promised. With the $370 doc fee and the $350 lieu tax, it looks to me as though they're actually charging you about $650 over MSRP. I would walk away from the deal UNLESS: 1. They prove to you that the lieu tax is legally a tax on the buyer or else drop that item; AND 2. Reduce the doc fee to a more reasonable amount (say, maybe, $50 to $150). It is perfectly honest and acceptable for a dealer to charge over MSRP if he is up front about it. The buyer can agree to pay, or go somewhere else. But it is dishonest and sleazy for a dealer to sneak in an above-MSRP charge by including a line item that appears to be a tax, or by inflating an otherwise legitimate charge out of all proportion.
# Arizona Lieu Tax - Also known as Plate fees. A personal property Tax based on the value of the item being purchased. Lieu tax provides the annual stickers for vehicles registered in Arizona. "I got it from Google, so it must be true" For anyone doubtful of the legitimacy of a claimed tax, Ii'd check with your state office on taxation. Here in California, i'm sure they'd like to know of illegally collected taxes. -- rick
Yes the 2,276 is the sales tax seperate from the leui tax, my math was off a little, the total extra charges add up to 3022.81, not 3,011, still seems excessive. I just read some of the other posts, and one of them explains the Leui tax, thanks, i'll verify that with the dealer. I appreciate all the replies and help. I feel very strongly since were buying two Prius's together from the same dealer, we shouldn't have to pay over MSRP, but I guess it all depends on how bad we want the cars, I know a lot of people will pay over. Iv'e been negotiating with every dealer in the valley for the the past 2 months for both of us, and came down to this one, got a decent price, then they tack on all these fees at the end, very frustrating. Hey should I just call it a day and do it anyway, or defend my deal?
So the lieu tax is legitimate---simply your first year AZ registration fee. That leaves the documentation fee as your main source of heartburn. Only AZ buyers would know what the average doc fee is. Or you could call around to a few dealers, ask for a sales mgr or "finance person" and ask them. Sounds as if you were expecting to have some leverage for a discount since you're buying two cars---and you couldn't get below MSRP even after shopping around. Hard to say (just being honest) if that just reflects the Prius market right now where you are, or whether you're just not a "tough negotiator". In any case, you're not getting a great deal nor are you getting ripped off greatly. We've all heard of doc fees in other states that exceed $300---I think Fla or some SE state has high ones. If you want to make one last stab at saving a few hundred dollars, here's how: DON'T wait until the last minute to do this (makes for bad feelings, and besides, your car might arrive early); do it within the next few days. Call your salesperson and say you ran across just the car you want, in stock at another (unspecified) dealer, and they'll sell it to you for $500 below MSRP if you buy it within 48 hours. Ask them if you can get your deposit back quickly. (Do you have an understanding with them about the refundability of your deposit? Is it in writing?) If they say no, it'll take "a few days" to get it back, sound a little irritated but say, "oh, well, I'll just have to give them another deposit". That bluff should work. Sound as if you're concluding the call by expecting them to process a refund of your deposit, even if they can't do it fast enough to suit you. If it doesn't (give them at least an hour to call you back, even if they sound as if they're not going to budge), call them back within two hours and say the other deal fell through, they sold the car to someone else, whatever, and to stop the refund process on your deposit. Good luck.
That could backfire. They could say they found another buyer after you said you wanted your deposit back. That kind of bluff should only be used if you're really willing to back out on the deal. I would not expect two cars to garner a special discount. Two is not a lot, for a car in such high demand. Ten, maybe. Instead of that, decide if you want to back out due to the high doc fee. (Maybe after calling other dealers to find out their fees.) Then, if the answer is yes, call them up. Don't lie about make-believe alternate cars. Just say the fee is too high and a deal-breaker. Give them the honest ultimatum: reduce it to X or you're out. If the lieu tax really is the first year's licence plate tag fee, then the doc fee is the only big thing. (You can find out if the sales tax is really your state's tax rate, in which case there's nothing you can do about it, except not buy the car if you cannot afford it at that price).
Thanks for all of the advice, I actually talked to someone at work today who used to be a car salesman and he told me that the doc fee was high, so I will take your advice and let them know how I feel. I don't know if I would risk loosing the deal altogether, but I feel i can negotiate it down a bit. Yes I have her signature on the fax with the total offer, and I also signed a paper for her with the $500.00 deposit and added that it was refundable if I either changed my mind or she changed the offer. Another thing, when I talked to my friend at work, he said that I should buy my car out of state, and order it through e-bay or a dealership on-line so that I don't have to pay any taxes, saving me around 2 grand. The only thing you would have to pay for is delivery which could run around $400, enough to get me curious, but still skeptical. I would think even if this was true, I would be afraid it would some how jeapordize the hybrid tax credit, since you never paid for taxes on it to begin with, let alone didn't even buy it in your own state. Wow, i tell ya, I give up already on negotiating, if you only knew how much iv'e haggled, it's pretty obvious i'm sure, although I still have enough in me to finish this deal off and drive away satisfied.
Hi All, Joy I was reading your posting above and came across this: "I talked to my friend at work, he said that I should buy my car out of state, and order it through e-bay or a dealership on-line so that I don't have to pay any taxes, saving me around 2 grand. The only thing you would have to pay for is delivery which could run around $400..." Before you rush off to another state to buy your car you should check with your states DMV regulations regarding out of state purchases and tax liability. Here in California (where I live) you can indeed purchase your car out of state and bring it in to live here, but... unless the car has a minimum of 7,000 miles on it at the time of purchase it is considered a "new" car and you still have to pay California taxes, license, transfer fees, etc. By the time you are done with everything the only benefit you may derive is the fact that you will have your car in your hot little hands possibly sooner than your local dealership could offer (and a wonderful drive home in your shiny new car -- a big plus if you ask me, but still). Some friends of mine tried to avoid the sales tax thing on a new trailer they purchased in Portland, OR. this past summer. They drove their Ford F-450 to Portland (9 - 12 Mpg) bought the trailer in OR and drove it back steering with one hand while patting themselves vigorously on the back with the other for outsmarting California. Their trailer had lived here in CA for around 2 months when they got a bill in the mail for the sales tax due on the purchase around $1500. This was an unbudgeted amount and wound up coming out of dearly needed savings. Whoops. So, all in all the only thing they got by buying thier trailer out of state was the lovely ride back with it to get it home. Add the cost of the extra fuel spent to drive the truck to OR and back, the extra time it took just to get there, the hotels they stayed in on the way up to Portland (they took 3 days to get there as they have kids and did not want to do a marathon drive) together they would have been better off to have stayed here and bought the same trailer locally. I also agree with the folks that have suggested that you not bluff unless you are fully willing to risk losing the car. Car dealers are usually better a the bluffing thing than we civilians are anyway. I do think that you should call around to other dealerships in town and research the median price for docs fees (remembering of course, that if these fees are unregulated where you are the other dealerships are probably padding them some too). Once you know what the numbers actually should be, confront them (if appropriate) all they can do is say no they won't discount the fee and you don't get the savings. Really, doc fees are small potatoes but you could also try seeing if you can get the dealer to throw in some other freebie if they won't drop the fees. See what you can get, can't hurt and you might be able to get some cool stuff. I have learned through the years that it never hurts to ask for a discount at just about anywhere and more often than not, if you are nice about it, you will get it. Good luck with your future purchase. Both of you will love your cars and will soon feel, as most of us who are already owners do, that these cars are worth their weight in uranium. Take care and keep us posted on your progress. Tisza
I agree with Widdletink that you probably cannot (legally) avoid the tax by buying out of state. But many Prius owners found their cars out of state, saving on the purchase price, or reducing wait times. And rather than have the car delivered, most have travelled out and driven their new car home. But with your new car near delivery, and only an inflated doc fee over MSRP, the out-of-state strategy probably wouldn't help you much. BTW, there are all sorts of nut cases out there who are certain they know how to avoid paying taxes. Some of them insist that the government "does not have the right" to collect if you do this or that. Well, those loopholes only exist for the super-rich. The best a normal person could do is move to a low-tax state, if that's your priority. There are small items that you can buy on-line from vendors who do not charge sales tax for out-of-state purchases, but most states claim the right to charge those taxes. They won't try to collect the tax on a DVD you bougt over the internet, but they sure will do their best to collect the tax on a new car.
Their doc fee can bite me! I paid a whopping $50 doc fee when I got mine! You're getting gouged bad for that one.
Well I took your guy's great advice and called about 4 dealers to ask what thier doc fee was and whatdaya know, it was the same as hers. So I called her and tried to negotiate it down and she said that all the dealers in January just raised thier fee to the same amount, with the exception of one, which is about $50.00 less. She is throwing in free tint and the emergency road side kit for both of us, which I know i'm probably paying for anyways at this point with that riddiculous doc fee. Thanks for all the great feedback and i'll let you guys know when i'm actually behind the wheel of my new car!
All dealers in an area simultaneously raising their doc fee to the same amount sounds to me like price-fixing, which ought to be illegal. However, if you can afford it and you want the car... well, I'd probably pay it too... it's a fantastic car and you're going to love it!
All this rigamarole is why you need to negotiate the total out the door price. Until you have negotiated all the bogus charges out, you haven't negotiated a deal. If all the other dealers really do charge the same doc fee, then this deal may not be bad. But I paid only $45 for the doc fee in CA. I will say that the dealers are getting smarter... "doc fee" sounds much better than "additional dealer markup" as they used to try.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(joy @ Mar 22 2006, 03:29 PM) [snapback]228593[/snapback]</div> Here in FL we paid $23,825.00 for the car + $850.00 freight + 6% sales tax + $75.00 for plate transfer & new title, + $9.00 tires/battery taxes, no dealer paper shuffling fees. Did you buy a new plate or transfer off another vehicle? FL charges $100.00 for a new plate. Hope this is helpful.
It would have been smart to negotiate the out the door price first, it's hard to guestamate what taxes, ect.. would be to come up with a price. As far as the plate, mine will be transfered from my current car to the Prius, and the $354.00 Liue tax will be partially refunded, licence/registration. So that will help out a little. At this point i'm just going to go for it, of course I have other dealers calling occasionally with the wrong color car/package trying to hook me, but the bait has not matched her offer. One guy says he will try to beat her by $300.00 if he gets the car in before her, we will see about that.