My new 2014 prius seems slow to accelerate from a stop. I am not sure if I need to push the gas pedal harder or if I am not used to the tighter feel of the pedal compared to my old car. I drove a 2014 corolla rental when i was getting some accessories put on and the gas pedal didn't seem as tight. Thanks . c
Push it further, pushing the gas down half way only uses the electric motor- further and it will use the gas engine too It's not a race car but it has some decent pick up
If you're in eco mode, it's very sluggish (note that this "eco" light is on the left side of the dash display. The "Eco" on the HSI indicator on the right side just means you're driving it somewhat efficiently, aka not in the red zone with the gas all the way down). I suggest from a complete stop, stay in normal mode so you can get up to speed faster (normal mode is none of the other buttons activated, eco, ev, or power), then switch back to eco mode. Power mode is mostly for getting up to speed on the freeway, but in stop and go traffic it has its uses as well if there are a lot of cars behind you and you don't want to be the slowpoke holding everyone up. Don't use EV mode button unless you're in a parking lot trying to find a spot to park. It doesn't have much power in ev mode and will disable EV mode and kick the gas engine back on if you go faster than 10 mph (25 if it's been warmed up after about 10 minutes or so of driving), or the battery is nearly drained, forcing the gas engine to start to recharge it which also eats fuel. But for now, just get used to driving the prius. To get the most mpg out of it, you don't necessarily want to drive it like a "normal" car like most other drivers drive (fast acceleration from a stop sign/red light, then they race till the last 15 feet of a red light/stop sign and slam on the brakes). Watch this video for more info on how to maximize mpg in your prius. Max MPG Driving Techniques Youtube Video | PriusChat
If you live in California, you'll get run over if you try to run in ECO mode. It accelerates slowly until you get up to 25 30 mph. My opinion: don't use EV, ECO or Boost switches. EV is virtually useless bc it only lasts a mile or so, ECO mode is sluggish at best, and Boost mode is not necessary...if you want to go 0-60 in 4 seconds, get a Maserati! Your Prius as a 1700 cc engine...200 cc more than the old VW bug, sure it pokes along, but it gets you there. You bought the Prius for fuel economy! and not performance, didn't you? My method for ECO driving: goose the Prius until you get to speed limit then back off and ride in the EV mode according to the display. You won't get 50+ mpg, but you'll get over 40! Enjoy your 2014 Prius!