I have seen a few posts that their Razor V3 cell does not always connect with the prius bluetooth and when that happens they have to turn the phone off and on to get it to connect. It could be that their battery is weak or maybe their phone is defective. Since I am looking for a good bluetooth phone (verizon service) I would like to hear from you if you have a razor V3 and are having trouble getting a consistant connection to the prius bluetooth. I don't care about the non transferable phone book. I know the motorola E815 is a good phone but I think it is on it's way out and I wouldn't want to buy a new phone that is already being replaced. Thanks for your input,
I have the Verizon Razr V3 and it connects reliably (every tiime!) with my 2006 Prius bluetooth. I wasn't able to transfer the phonebook with it (used my Treo 650 to do that -- although I can't get IT to hold the bluetooth connection at all!). Anyway, regarding Razr, the only thing which won't work when you're connected via bluetooth is any of the voice functions on the phone. For instance you can't press the side button and dial by voice, which sure would be handy while driving! The Prius bluetooth system connects but the lockouts which it maintains (for instance not being able to dial a phone number, they must be in speed dial for you to use prius screen while driving) is frustrating. To input my password when connected to voice mail I must press the buttons on Razr!! Anyway, your question was about connecting with bluetooth and THAT it does well.
My RAZR V3 from Cingular connects every time. The verizon model is the V3C for CDMA carriers. It is possible that the V3C is different enough to cause problems with the prius. Verizon tends to redo firmware in their phones so that all the menus match accross the phone brands.
there were SOME reports of cingular and t-moobile razrs having occasional BT problems. a quick fix was to remove the battery for a few minutes and that usually cleared it up... this issue has not been reported with verizon razrs. now keep in mind, the Razr is one of the hottest cellphones around and millions have been sold. the percentage of complaints (there is no such thing as a perfect cellphone. someone always has a complaint...although, in 60% of the cases, its user error or abuse, 25% is network issues, usually temporary in nature. and the rest is simply location. no cellphone carrier garantees service they would be sued to the rafters if they did) is very very low when compared to the industry average for all models.
My RAZR V3 is Cingular, also. It connects everytime and works well. There are other Blue Tooth devices such as the ear unit that can be connected. Even the ear buds connected to the cell phone will disengage the Blue Tooth connection to the Prius. You can not swich back and forth while the power botton stays on. You have to turn the car off and start over. The key is to have your RAZR set as a hands free device and to disconnect from other devices before you get in and start the car. My .02 :lol: Andy
I just got my '06 Prius and was in the market for a verizon phone as well. Went with the Prius. After initially having difficulty registering the phone (put a post up and was answered by this amazing chat group) I have had no problems with my Razr automatically connecting and working. People on the other end say it is very clear- more so than my old handfree in my BMW 7 series. It is true you cannot have anything plugged into the phone (ear buds) and still have the BT work. Not sure if you are charging the phone if it will disable BT as well, as it goes in the only slot- anyone know the answer to that? All in all Razr with Verizon works fine.
I have 2 Cingular Razr v3 phones (mine and my wife's) and they both work perfectly. I have never lost a bluetooth connection with either one.
I'm one of those who has seen the 'BT Connection Failed' on occasion (maybe a total of 5 times in the 1.5 months I've had the car and many many starts). I charge my Razr every other night, so battery life isn't a cause (although having the phone on BT connection wears the battery down faster than if you're just using the phone normally, without BT). The odd thing is just last night, I had no BT connection on my way home and couldn't use the steering wheel buttons or the mfd screen to make a call. So I dug out my phone while I was stopped at a light and dialed the #, then it suddenly connected to BT and I was able to put the phone away and continue the conversation via BT. It's more of a minor inconvenience than a real annoyance. I hate talking on the phone while in the car anyways. It may be that my phone is in my purse behind the passenger seat most of the time that I'm in the car. And it's usually next to or on top of my other phone (Nokia). So I blame neither the phone nor the car.
Bluetooth has relatively weak signal compared with other devices. The signal is easily blocked or masked by other devices. I usually have my SE w600i in a leather pouch hooked on to my belt and my SKS key in a pocket of my jacket which is very close to the cell phone pouch. Once in a while, the Bluetooth wouldn't connect. If I move the pouch a bit way from the pocket or move the SKS key from right pocket to the left, then, the Bluetooth connects immediately. Samething happened to my last V551 from Moto. On my SE w600i, there is another strange issue I found. There is a "Power Save" mode under Bluetooth which discourages the Bluetooth to try to connect to any other Bluetooth device within its proximity. I have to turn it ON (defaut = OFF) to have the SE w600i works seamlessly with Prius. Otherwise, it (SE or Prius - no idea which one) may drop the connection quite frequently. My guess is that when the SE tries to connect to another Bluetooth device (say, a Lexus with Bluetooth nearby), the connection could be dropped. Just my guess. Anyway, since I turned the "Power Save" on, it has been working very well. I know the RAZR V3 is being discussed here. My point is to try some settings on V3 to see if there is similar settings that triggers the connection problem.
compare the weight of the Prius verses the earbud...i know a lot of people who wear their BT headsets nearly ALL the time especially when working.