Did a search and didn't find any topics about NY State's Clean Pass Program: NYS DOT It's been around for about a month and it's free. Only three cars are allowed. I used it last week and what a joy! G
The search doesn't always work but if you put in 'hov' as the keyword you will get a number of threads that have discussed the Long Island HOV pass. I've been using it also that last couple of weeks and it is great!!
Do you just stick it on? What would happen if you wash and wax your car? Anyone has the 3M invisible bra and the sticker? Would the 3M come off when you peel the sticker off? Anyone has experience with it? I have a black Prius and I think the sticker is not going to blend in. I should've gotten a white Prius . My sticker is still processing and hopefully I will get it next week. Dennis