I'm sitting on an interstate that's shut down due to a wreck. Battery creeping low. What should I so? I just powered off.
I'll bet when you try to start it that it will start and you will continue on with your trip with no issues.
You're not in the wreck, correct? You're just sitting in traffic? Leave the car on, the ICE generator will start up and recharge the battery for a while. Rinse, lather, repeat until it ultimately runs out of gas.
there's nothing to panic about. Put it in eco and eventually you'll pass the accident and Ice will regenerate,keep on going
maybe there's something I'm missing but why are you turning the car off just leave it on and stay in traffic. It's all good
Jeff if you had a full electric car then you would need to worry about it with the hybrid only thing that happens is the gas will turned on and that's what it will use don't rely on the battery don't solely believe that the battery is your lifeline because it's a hybrid
If you have sufficient gasoline in the fuel tank, there should be no problem. Just leave the car on and Ready and in Park, the battery gauge will gradually sink to 2 bars. But it won't continue to drop to 1, instead the engine will fire up and charge it to 3 bars. Rinse and Repeat until the traffic jam clears, or the gas tank runs dry. Don't use Neutral, it will prevent proper recharging.
Thanks. Yeah, I'm a newbie to the tech side of the vehicle. I was sitting in one place for 45 minutes in pouring rain. Wasn't sure what would happen and when it hit 2 bars I decided to post. At least there was cell service. Made it home but it was a long day.
I run ours down to 2 bars pretty much every time I'm in a certain parking garage. Low speed, spiralling up through the levels. You tend to stay in electric mode, and eat up the charge fast. And then the engine comes on even at idle. Depressing, but no big deal.
I would really suggest reading the owners manually. That way you don't do something that could damage the car.
I'm actually looking to sell it. It's a 2013 Prius Two and it was my wife's daily driver. I've been driving it since she passed away unexpectedly back in March. I do understand most of the tech, but I had never been in a situation like this. I have the car listed here if you guys know anyone interested.
Ah, that's sad - I'm sorry to hear it. I'm sure you'll find everyone here happy to help if you have any other questions. Here's the link to your sales thread: 2013 Prius Two, 17K miles, Central Florida | PriusChat