I just got white 2015 prius persona. How do I properly close the hood. My old car I can drop it from 7 inch height, but the hood on prius is so light that it doesn't close all the way, I have to gently push it down so it snaps in
put on a pair of white gloves, lower the hood until it meets resistance, then gently push down until it locks. be good to your baby until you get the first scratch, then drop it from 12 inches.
LOL! And if the car gets any more scratches, drop the hood from 2 ft. Spare the rod and spoil the child
Just had a look in the Owner's Manual, and as far as I can see, it just breezes by, no description on HOW to do that. It does caution to get the support rod out of the way, back in it's clip...: or the hood may bend when you close it, lol. What I always do is hold it about 8~10 inch high and let it drop. That said, after a recent trip to the service department, I heard a nasty rattle from the engine. Lifted the hood and the support rod was loose, laying on the engine. Maybe if you drop it from too high it can pop out of the clip. Not an issue if the latch is is attached to the body frame, what I'm more used to with other vehicles. Anyway, My take would be to drop it, but from not too high, just to avoid paw prints.
This is a philosophical argument. Do you slam doors shut, or turn the door handle to shut the door gently and quietly ? Personally, I am so noise adverse I teach my family to hold in the latch when they close the microwave door. Our cats also appreciate an environment without explosions.
One of my son's friends who works in the automotive industry goes with the rest it on the latch and then push technique. Maybe new tricks time?
Personally, I *much* prefer click and not TWACK Easier on the mechanism, a nicer sound to my ears, and I imagine a better built mouse-trap.
What is a 'wave' ? Do you mean a depression in the paint surface ? I find that *very* hard to believe, since it takes very little pressure to latch the hood, I use two palms, and the hood is opened/closed once or twice a month.
Pushing down in 1 area will eventually cause a wave, May take 1 year, May take 10 years, but it will happen. It's more evident in those that have trunks or hatches that require more power to close. SPH-D710 ?
I can only imagine what you must go through when you have to choose between pushing the brake or go pedal.