Was trying to get it to force charge one night . So i did the break and gas. Once while moving some another while stopped at light as i could not remember if it had to be stopped. Wanted a full bat for the morning run. Car is new 2014 just got. I looked at the energy display and it went from not using ice to using ice to motor to bat. On one test. So i thibk i triggered it Theres no tac so i dont know if it floored engine didnt sound. Didnt seem so But now it seems to be trying to CONSTANLY charge traction bat. (Since on in morning) I have gone to eco mode ev mode and it looks like notanything broke by my attempt. But gas milagr drop from 50-60s now to like 30s What happend is it still trying to full charge the bat looks like. Or is something else up since my mpg wont go back to 50. It doesnt drive differently in feel ezcept it seems to whenever ice is on tey to charge bat not like the other night. And bat goes from 30 to one bar from top. So whats up? And is there something i should do.
The only time I heard about ICE keep on running is when the vent (The little mesh hole under the rear seat) for the traction battery is blocked. Car will seems heavy and underpowered too.
was a long night, when i posted that. like the others have said, car does weird things and has a mind of its own! learning to understand the new prius c my first hybrid.
There really is nothing to "understand". Just drive it conservatively and it will be fine. Unlike some other hybrids, the gas engine in the C will start up each morning even if the battery is full just to get the engine up to operating temperature. That is a different design philosophy and apparently can't be changed. Also the EV button is almost worthless since it won't work in so many different circumstances.