I'm planning on installing backup camera(s) into my Prius C2 using guides I found on the forums here. However, I'd like the ability to turn on/off the camera at will. I'm thinking if I place a switch to introduce a signal into the corolla headunit (G78/pin2 or G79/pin6, not sure yet), I can trick the headunit into thinking I'm going in reverse, thereby displaying the camera image. I'm having a hard time finding if the reverse signal going into the headunit is a ground signal, or a +12v, or whatever. Does anyone know where I can find that information? A schematic of the reverse signaling is ideal.
I just found on the 2014 Prius NON C it was a pink wire in the wire harness with the most wires (sorry don't have a pic right now) It turns on the video - BUT it also activates the reverse lights so I am digging around the forums right now to see what else I can find out.
OK - completed this project tonight. I installed a SPST switch in the dash just below the START button (where the switch cap is) so the wiring was nice and easy to get to. 2 wires about 2 feet run from switch up behind radio and connect one of the wires to the Accessory power (ACC+) wire "GRAY" in my case, it was next to the Constant power (CONS+) wire. Trickier part - connect the 2nd wire you ran to the pink wire (use a multimeter to test) it should show +12vdc in reverse and 0.0 in park. YOU HAVE TO CUT THIS WIRE and install a Rectifier Diode (1A from radio shack like this - 1N4004 Micro 1-Amp Rectifier Diode : Diodes | RadioShack.com) with the BAND closest to the radio. THEN connect your wire you ran to the side of the diode closest to the radio. NOT the otherside. Hopefully this helps someone! The main reason I did this project was to check once in a while to see how close the car behind me ended up without flipping the reverse lights on. Maybe even get a license plate number if I needed to.
Thank you joecwilson. That's exactly what I was looking for. I was looking into manually overriding the camera if I was parking in a tough spot, and having a forward and rear looking camera I'm thinking would help with that. An actual proximity sensor kit supposedly fills that spot, but I like the idea of seeing what's around me instead. I suppose there's always the nifty factor too.
For anyone who was looking to do same idea with camera selecting, the below is what I'm likely going to do this coming weekend. I get extremely lost if I don't have something visual to follow so I made this once I read joecwilson's post. The camera override switch I'm planning on using is this guy: Mit Toyota Lexus Scion Reverse Parking Sensor Special Switch Control | eBay and DPDT switch is this guy: 5pcs DPDT No Off No Forward Stop Reverse 3 P 15 30A 6 Pins Boat Rocker Switch | eBay Utilizing this relay and 16pin adapter kit from this listing: Back Up Camera Video Adapter Harness for Toyota Subaru Scion Plug and Play | eBay Fwd camera Car Rearview Back Up Camera CCD 170 Angle Wateproof Reversing Camera for Ford | eBay Rear camera Car Rear View Reverse Backup Camera IR Night Vision 170° for 2012 Toyota Prius | eBay I used the various "install your own camera" threads on this forum to find the appropriate pins on my PC2, with corolla radio. If I'm blatantly overlooking something with the above, please feel free to point it out and let me know.