I live in North Jersey and just got back from a mini road trip to D.C. It was roughly 440 miles round trip. I'm amazed how i made it there and back on 1 tank of gas and still have gas to spare! I absolutely love the Prius.
Yup, the Prius can go a long way on one tank of fuel. I love it when I fill up after driving 400 plus miles, and only spend 25 to 30 dollars at the pump. I watch these guys driving their big trucks spending 80 to 100 bucks and simply smile as I drive away not to visit another pump for at least 400 more miles. And even then at 400 miles, I will barely have used eight gallons. Yes, the Prius is one amazing machine. Best vehicle in the world IMO. Ron (dorunron)
I used to hate prii until I test drove one. I needed a commuter vehicle that could do several 1400 mile road trips yearly that would be comfortable. It is roomier than a corolla and it handles great for what it is. I probably wont buy another non toyota and when I get another car down the road I will more than likely buy another Prius.
ditto - drove a motorcycle and hated Prius drivers... lol and now the motorcycle is never driven and the prius is the DD. it gets better gas mileage, hauls more, better comfort and if i nod off late at night i won't die.
Nice. I really should do some long distance driving sometime in my prius. And maybe spend a night in it, to see how well I'd like that. That might be one time where my short height (5 foot 4 inches, always got made fun of in school by taller kids) is an advantage rather than a hindrance.