Last year, thanks to advice I got here, I was a able to get a year of SiriusXM for about $80. I just got my invoice for $179.37 for the next year. Before I call and challenge that price, I'd appreciate knowing what the best price is that I'm likely to get.
I let it lapse on my 2013 RX350--- they then offered me $30 every six months , which I took. Let it lapse on my Corvette convertible then---same thing. My free 3 months on the new 2014 Prius will run out the middle of Sept.--- I will renew if they offer an affordable rate on it. I had my G/F call and cancel her $18 per month on her 2012 ''v'',, they offered her $28 every 5 months to retain her--- on the spot. Your best bet is to just call them and see what they offer.
I just bought a new Avalon. After my 90 day trial period ended I just kept ignoring their offers for renewals they sent by mail. I really did not intend to renew until the last offer they sent me was $99.00 and I took it. I am sure it is for the same package you have. I hear you can bargain with them but you have to do it via phone. Why don't you just offer them $99.00 and tell them that is all you can afford? I would appreciate if you will let me know how you come out. I still have a year to go but I would like to know how your bargaining process goes. I won't pay $179.00. I will let it expire first. Good luck.
I just got 6 months for $25. I told the rep I wanted the 5 month/$20 promo. He said he needed to look at the current rates, and came back 30 seconds later and said he didn't have that one, but did have 6 months/$25.
Good for you. You got a much better deal than I did. I just have a hunch they are hard up for customers and the deal you got proves that. Thank for the comeback. I appreciate that.
This is the route I will take in a few weeks,,, I am a 70 yo on S.S,, cannot afford the higher [ well,, not worth it to me ] rates.
I have had Sirius or XM in my cars for over 10 years (well before the merger). I usually get the 6 months for $25 deal which has been around for years, or more recently the 5 months for $20 deal. I set a Google calendar reminder for the day before my subscription is due to expire, and call their cancellation/retention number. If you call their regular number you can ask for retention. Ask for the $20/5 mos deal and you will get it. Just be sure to call back (use a calendar reminder!) before it expires or they will charge you the full rate for the next 6 mos. Never pay more than $50 per year.
Thanks. Best info I have heard. I just bought a new Avalon. When my 90 day free trial was up I renewed for $99.00 for one year. I'll follow your suggestion when I renew next time.