(CBS) The star at last week's Philadelphia Auto Show wasn't a sports car or an economy car. It was a sports-economy car — one that combines performance and practicality under one hood. But as CBS News correspondent Steve Hartman reports in this week's Assignment America, the car that buyers have been waiting decades comes from an unexpected source and runs on soybean bio-diesel fuel to boot. A car that can go from zero to 60 in four seconds and get more than 50 miles to the gallon would be enough to pique any driver's interest. So who do we have to thank for it. Ford? GM? Toyota? No — just Victor, David, Cheeseborough, Bruce, and Kosi, five kids from the auto shop program at West Philadelphia High School >> Read More
They were at Tour de Sol last year. Very racy-looking thing. Biodiesel plant and drivetrain in the back; electric in the front. The electric half wasn't really working last year. Plenty of pix can be had by googling for "hybrid attack" and "philadelphia". . _H*
Wow, really awesome project. I love the way it empowered these "loser" kids into an awesome achievement. Pretty inspirational. Like the teacher asks, why are Ford and Chevy building these cars?. The teachers really deserves a lot of kudos as well. Pics on building the car at: http://evteam.gambitdesign.com/gallery/attack_build
I've seen that over on TDIclub. Hopefully they will be at TDIfest over Labor Day weekend; it's in the King of Prussia area.