Hello, all. I think there are other threads about this, but my dealer suggested that I have a fuel injector service (cleaning) on my 2011 Prius. I only have about 30,000 miles, and the car runs great. I figure I could go to Pep Boys and get some Techron (spelling?), pour it in the gas tank, and take the car for a spin down the highway to clean it out. I could also save myself a hundred plus bucks. Would I be doing any damage to the car with Techron? (I haven't heard of anything bad with it.) Thanks. GT11 P.S.: The dealer said this had to be done every 15,ooo miles. I've gone over my service manual with a fine-tooth comb, and I don't see anything about it.
You absolutely will not do any damage with using Chevron Techron in your car. I have been using it for many years. It is the best. Just put a container in your gas tank and try it. You do not have to have the fuel injectors cleaned every 15,000 miles. Your dealer wants to rip you off. The Chevron Techron will fix you right up. I put a container in my tank about every 6 to 8 months. I live in the Chicago area where we have the boutique gas blend in the summer so that is the main reason I use it. I'll put a container in the new car I just bought right before winter.
Techron will not cause any damage, when used in the correct concentration. And, unless you have drivability (running) issues, a fuel injection or throttle body service is not necessary. I would recommend buying gas consistently from a location selling Top Tier Gas, as this will obviate the need for any cleanings.
Good job in questioning the advice and looking it up in your manual. I would recommend finding another dealer...
That's what I did. My dealer was ripping me off and I found another dealer. This one seems okay----at the moment.
That's exactly right and do they love the throttle body cleaning. They would do that every other day if they thought you would let them.
Thanks, chrisj428, for the tip about Top Tier Gas. I used to look for Top Tier, but then I got into the habit of using cheapo gas from down the street. I think I'll go back to Top Tier...