Watch out for warping dash

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Care, Maintenance and Troubleshooting' started by priusinterested, Mar 23, 2006.

  1. efusco

    efusco Moderator Emeritus
    Staff Member

    Nov 26, 2003
    Nixa, MO
    2004 Prius
    Let me defend my defensiveness here.
    1)Pointing out an issue with Dash warping is good, helpful and much appreciated.
    2)Extending that information into a complaint about having had to have several recalls and that this will likely be the OP's last Toyota is a different animal that makes me, for one, reconsider the value of #1 it being reported in a non-biased fair way or is it being exagerated for the sake of satisfying someone's need to bitch about a car that didn't live up to his/her expectations.
    3)It came in the OP's first post to the board. Never came here to ask questions learn, share info before, but now he's frustrated and angry and he just came, at least in part, to vent that frustration.

    Despite the suggestion of some in this thread and others my love of my car does NOT make me blind to it's clearly has some. My efforts have been directed at finding solutions, helping others with those fixes, etc. I put the Pluses and Minuses into their respective columns and I find my positives to be much much greater than the minues...most of which I'd anticipated (at least in general) before buying and deciding to accept the possibility of some difficulties.
  2. ghostofjk

    ghostofjk New Member

    Mar 8, 2006
    The upper glove box lid on my '04 just stopped working. It doesn't self-open all the way; it opens half-way and kind of flops if you try to open it the rest of the way manually. I thought it was because of the spring inside. As I look at it more closely, I'm afraid it's the warping problem.

    I have an appt.Tues. for it to be assessed.

    I'll take a copy of this thread, but not "lead off" with it until I see what they say. Thanks.
  3. hycamguy07

    hycamguy07 New Member

    Feb 18, 2006
    Central Florida
    2007 Prius
    Huh? the 04' Prius had 4 recalls? hmmmm I only recieved one for the brake lite switch. the rest of my car is in perfect order dash is great to could be that is because I use the custom fit sunshade...
  4. efusco

    efusco Moderator Emeritus
    Staff Member

    Nov 26, 2003
    Nixa, MO
    2004 Prius
    All the '04s should have the SSC-50P, several early had a thing for a piece of weather stripping...can't remember the number on that of the first believed causes of the sudden shut downs.

    There were others too that elude me that all '04s should have gotten...the brake light is one, of course. Someone fill in the others.
  5. richard schumacher

    richard schumacher shortbus driver

    Mar 27, 2004
    United States
    2004 Prius
    Sounds like one more reason to use a close-fitting Sunshade in the front window and to park facing north. Some Toyota dealers sell nice aftermarket custom shades. Get one which has the strap stitched on, not glued on.
  6. priusinterested

    priusinterested New Member

    Nov 12, 2004
    Folks, please do not miss the forest through the trees here.

    I wrote " 4 trips for recalls, faulty MFD, broken air compressor and condensor... Oh ya what a feeling."

    That means 4 trips for all of the above. Not 4 recalls in total. The fifth trip I took the car in and found they had failed to order the parts required so I retreived the car till the parts arrived. Hense 5 trips.

    With regards to this starting my first post is true. I initial checked into the board after having been on the original and Bay area yahoo boards. Whether you believe I am biased or not truly does not matter, as everyone here has a bias in one direction or another. True, I am dissapointed. The car for others is by all accounts nearly flawless. Mine has been very short of that description.

    I am perfectly willing to post pics when I get the car back so others can access their own cars should they see something simliar. If you had the same experience with your Prius I think you as well would feel as I do. My advise is simple. Look to check for such issues before 36k as it will be extremely difficult to get it coverered, and it pricey to fix at $850. It is just advise.

    So no I am not merely a basher. In fact three friends of mine have bought Prius's as a result of my recommendation and original "evangelical zeal" for the car. Their cars have been great so I have not lost any friends.

    If you wish to discount my advise because of my problems with the car and the timing of my post then do so. Defensiveness is not required here as I am not attacking any ones credibility or character on this board. It is not unfamiliar to me to see these sort or reactions. I was a active member on another automotive board for years and tired of the "attack the new guy or dissenter thing". So my communications on this board has been nil.
  7. efusco

    efusco Moderator Emeritus
    Staff Member

    Nov 26, 2003
    Nixa, MO
    2004 Prius
    This site does not, normally, "bash the new guy" and I'm sorry you feel that's what we've (I've) done.

    Imagine the following, if you will:
    You post had consisted of the following only:
    Let the replies and questions come, then, in follow up, add your response from Toyota Corporate, what you'd done to try to resolve it, etc. As others sympathised with your plight you could add comments about your frustration and disappointment with the Prius.

    I'm just saying that there's a good way and a bad way to make a first post on this or any web site. When your first one is a complaint/problem along with a tone of 'I hate my car', you're going to get some push back from the loyalists.

    I sincerely hope you can get Toyota to cover some or all of the cost of repair and will, strongly, recommend using a sunshield.

    I hope this will not be your last posted thread on the site, we have a lot to offer here. Others have gotten off on the 'wrong foot', so to speak in the past and gone on to become some of our best contributors. I hope you do as well.
  8. priusinterested

    priusinterested New Member

    Nov 12, 2004

    It is fine to love your car. My current situation with mine should not threaten the loyalists so. Just stating the facts. I plan on replacing another car in a year and the experience has given me pause as it is difficult to rationalize the isues experienced to date.

    For me the Prius is a tool to get from point A to B. My hopes were to do so in a cost effective, and drama free manner. That plan seems to have suffered a bit. The car remains in the shop due to the airconditioning parts not arriving. I still plan on taking pics so others can see what to look for. The once I have done that I will ty to work on this myself as I may be a better mechanic then the Prius factory certified guy I am dealing with at the dealer given the inputs I have received.

    With regards to your editing of my post, might I suggest a softer tone to your very own blog post below:

    "Welcome to my Priuschat Blog. I have no true purpose or intent for this blog and will keep it for rare/random use or in times of special needs or purpose. Members are welcome to post comments as they will.

    I'm an opinionate SOB. If you don't want to face an harsh opinion that may differ from yours then go away, I take no quarter."

    Seriously that post says much about your short fuse. Try to relax will you:)
  9. ghostofjk

    ghostofjk New Member

    Mar 8, 2006
    I have communicated with priusinterested about how to proceed with tracking this problem. There might be a new, follow-up thread.

    What worries me most about this one is that it's apparently a problem that takes a long time to develop. In my case, I have 44K mi (in a little over 2 yr.), but did buy an extended warranty. Priusinterested had just over 36K. What about those who have no extended warranty?

    I have a hunch or two.

    1. Members have recently posted here about the thinness of the dash near where the airbag is (above the glove box). I wouldn't know where to begin to try to find those posts. Is it possible the dash material is "normal" thickness to the left of the glove box and thinner where the airbag is? If so, I could see heat from the sun as being the culprit, which in turn means it might develip only in hotter climates---or possibly only SOONER in hotter climes.

    2. Is there a wire to the airbag that carries constant current? Such that prolonged low-grade heat could cause the warping?

    I'm also wondering if the problem exists on '05s---or even '06s. Or perhaps Toyota caught and corrected it "under the radar".

    As I told priusinterested, I actually started noticing the unevenness in the seam between the dash and the glove-box lid 8 or 9 months ago, but didn't think about it. Then my glove-box lid problem followed a little later. But I didn't connect the two until now.

    The highest point of the warpage on mine is directly below the stamping of "SRS airbag". As you run your finger from left to right, starting at the right of the MFD, you can feel the dash material rise just before that stamping.
  10. galaxee

    galaxee mostly benevolent

    Mar 14, 2005
    2005 Prius
    it's not that hard to check out recommendations for a good prius tech. ask your local club members who works on their cars and who's good.

    my DH is working on his Prius certifications. he's one of 3 guys at his shop that puts through maybe 20 prii a day (that does include the oil change center which is separate) but there's one guy who couldn't care less about the prius. his customers are usually unhappy and have to come back for my DH to fix remaining problems. the second guy is a genius under the hood of this car, but he's abrasive. most of his customers appreciate the work he does but may not come back because of the personality. DH has a small army of local prius owners who will only go to him because he goes the extra mile in every respect. it all depends on your individual tech and how willing he is to do more than just a job.
  11. efusco

    efusco Moderator Emeritus
    Staff Member

    Nov 26, 2003
    Nixa, MO
    2004 Prius
    I'm quite relaxed. My 'Blog' (with what, 2 posts?) is a totally different thing than my postings within the forum. Although I'm opinionated I'm also balanced...a fair reading should show you that even within this thread. I'm a straight shooter, I pull no punches, but I think I'm fair. If there's somewhere I've been out of line in this thread please point it out, I'm not above apologizing, I've needed to before and will again.

    You state in the last post
    "It is fine to love your car. My current situation with mine should not threaten the loyalists so. Just stating the facts. "

    1)I assure you I do not feel threatened in the least.
    2)You went beyond "just stating the facts", you stated opinion, implied that there's some problem with Toyota in general, and in general gave a tone of complaining about the car. My suggestion in my last post was one where you did, indeed, just state the facts...after the facts you editorialized. In many cases here that's fine. Someone with 1000+ posts here we know their personality, we know where they stand and their opinions can easily be put into perspective. Your first post doesn't give us that opportunity and we have no way to know if you're a troll or what. I think we're all getting a better idea of your personality at this point. Until you tried to discount my post by pointing to a quote from my blog I was gaining respect and felt that you just made a bit of a faux-paux in your editorialization. Now I'm sorta back to square one with you and will wait and see what/if anything you have to contribute to this community before finalizing my opinion.

    My statements that I hope you become a good contributor are honest and sinceere.
  12. efusco

    efusco Moderator Emeritus
    Staff Member

    Nov 26, 2003
    Nixa, MO
    2004 Prius

    Those are some excellent thoughts! In fact, it might go a long way to getting the repairs covered under warranty b/c if the dash warping could affect the airbag deployment that would be a safety hazard and could even warrant a formal recall. I have no way of knowing if it is a hazard, but if the warping is enough to affect deployment in the designed fashion it probably would be.
  13. Frank Hudon

    Frank Hudon Senior Member

    Jan 11, 2004
    upper dash cover Part Number 55330-47040 cost$223.89 US
    if the rest $850 - $223.89 = $626.11 is for labour you might want to ask them to use a condom.
  14. DaveinOlyWA

    DaveinOlyWA 3rd Time was Solariffic!!

    Apr 13, 2004
    South Puget Sound, WA
    2013 Nissan LEAF
    sorry to hear about your Prius. as good as the Prius is, and for a major redesign of a technilogically complex car, i think the rework issues probably worked out much better than hoped. but nothing is perfect and lemons do happen to the best of things.

    definitely post pics if you got em. i would like to see what you are talking about so i can keep it in mind. i doubt that my heat issues will be anything like yours. i lived in San Jose and although relatively mild, its still 20º hotter than the West Bay Area.

    having taken my dash apart for several things, (CANVIEW. EV, AIC, etc) i can see warpage possible in places. heck its all plastic and plastic can be reformed in even a modest amount of heat. so pics will tell a lot
  15. priusinterested

    priusinterested New Member

    Nov 12, 2004


    Note the smiley face at end of my comment about your blog... I am kidding. If an editorial on my part counts as a faux-paux on the board I will refrain from expressing such opinions. Though I repectfully diagree, as I think it is important to address things from all angles. My comments were not meant as a slight to anyone here. That type of thing is not what I am all about. I hope we are square on this and can move on.

    There have been some good suggestions. If more of this issue appears those affected will have a better shot at the repairs being made more reasonable. Frank mentioned the parts, but the $850 does include the glovebox replacement.. This problem does develop slowly. I did not notice much until the binding of the glovebox lid started.

    Unfortunately unless parts show up tomorrow early in the morning I will most like not see my car till late Monday or Tuesday. That is for the airconditioning compresor and condensor replacment. They said the condensor was cracked. At least I will not be picking up that bill ($1850) with the extended so it paid for itself
  16. galaxee

    galaxee mostly benevolent

    Mar 14, 2005
    2005 Prius
    :eek: :lol: :lol: :lol: :mellow:
  17. efusco

    efusco Moderator Emeritus
    Staff Member

    Nov 26, 2003
    Nixa, MO
    2004 Prius
    I edited your post above to quote properly for readability only.

    Again, the editorializing in itself wouldn't be a big issue in context. You gave us little or no context...we didn't know you, your first post, etc.

    Dude, hang around a while, keep giving us info, let us learn who you are....make a few posts in Fred's so we can get a sense of your personality...then we'll know what to make of your editorializations a bit better.

    I'm square, was never upset, but want to kepe things on the up and up. I get a sense that you do to. Sorry I missed the smiley and I'm glad you didn't mean that in an ill way.
  18. galaxee

    galaxee mostly benevolent

    Mar 14, 2005
    2005 Prius
    DH says: they should probably use some of that connector grease too

    :lol: :lol:

    that's harsh. he'd feel bad charging 2 hours on that job ($80/hr)
  19. Frank Hudon

    Frank Hudon Senior Member

    Jan 11, 2004
    what's it 3/10 to swap out the mfd and the glove box is pn# 55589-47020 cost $27.64
  20. galaxee

    galaxee mostly benevolent

    Mar 14, 2005
    2005 Prius
    they get 3 hours to change out the mirror for the combination meter. think 2 hours to pull the entire dash pad out, unscrew comb meter and wiring harness from the old dash pad, put it in the new dash pad and install that, is fair. wouldn't charge any more than that.