has anybody done any kind of survey to see if option packages, due possibly to variations in weight or electrical load, cause any difference in fuel economy? just wondering
If it was just a weight or electrical load, I'd assume comparing a #1 (with the windshield wiper off) against a #9 would be a good indicator.
true. i am no engineer, but we all know that weight affects mileage (i always remember a study during the early 1970's gas crisis that estimated how many millions of gallons of gas would be saved if everybody stopped carrying a spare tire) and it seems to me that there is a certain simplistic logic that more electrical doo-dads would make the ICE run more to keep the batteries charged. like i said, just wonderin'... i'm getting a #9 regardless
Before I bought my #9, I rented a Prius with I think a #6 package. So far, my own car has not gotten mileage as good as the rental. Of course, the rental was more broken in with 6500 miles on it (and mine has only 1600), but I've wondered if the "bigger" package might be causing or contributing to the lower mileage. It's not a *huge* difference, but so far it is about 5 mpg lower in my car than in the rental. Overall, I'm glad I got the #9 (except for the "premium" sound system).
For the "premium" sound system... it needs to be up to work very well.. at low volumes.. it's just a set of speakers. try it around 35.. 40.. 45... or even 50... it hits bass well.. and sounds very clear... btw.. make sure to adjust the sounds levels.. on most systems, optimal sound levels look like a V... Bass up.. mid up 1.. and Treble up
I find that bass up 2, mid flat center, and treble up one sounds best for me. Anything else is too artifically boosted. As for weight, it's said that the #9's are limited by the EPA due to the extra weight. So it could stand to reason that being a heavier version, it could get potentially worse mileage. -Rick