Earlier today, I brought my car into my local Toyota dealer for a free inspection. Yes, it's amazing what people will do to get something for free, such as me willingly leaving my car at the mercy of the Dealership. Anyhow, onto the very important information that was bestowed upon me once the inspection was complete… My car is Driftwood Pearl in color. In the past, I typically described it as a tan/brown/gold sort of color, but now that I know that it is in fact Driftwood Pearl, I’ll be sure to correct everyone when they call it something else. If nothing else, it will make me look smart (assed). Fumoto valves suck – I paid $28 for a fumoto valve from Amazon, thinking that it would make my oil changes easier and less messy. Obviously, that was a mistake and a waste of money, as indicated by the knowledgeable Inspector’s comments: Rec(commend) replace aftermarket/ “Spigot” style drain valve with normal drain plug. There are too many Toyota Dealers. Alternatively, the zip code of my local Toyota dealer is “TOO MANY”. They must have applied for and been subsequently issued a special zip code from the post office. I’m not sure which scenario is correct or which I like better. I’d better call the Dealership first thing tomorrow for clarification. The correct date is 23 days earlier than everyone else seems to think it is (even the computers at the service counter). Fortunately, the guys in the garage know the correct date. I sincerely hope that my fellow PC members will pass along this invaluable information that I have taken the time and effort to attain. Thank you very much!
While I can appreciate the humor, I have to give the dealer some credit 1) He could only know about the spigot valve if someone actually looked. (I have been told I needed to get a new cabin air filter...after I put in a new one two days previously. I actually raised my voice about that.) 2) I don't see a long list of questionable services. That is the most impressive thing about the list.
I used the Fumoto in the 1980's, before the Fram "Sure-Drain came out in 2002. I love the Fram "Sure Drain" I still have and use it on my Mazda MPV. Fram abandoned it, probably due to cost and marketing. I got my first one at WalMart. They have been discontinued, but you can still get them on eBay. fram sd3 | eBay I drain my oil into two liter soda bottles. They are clear and you can see the oil fill. Fill one, unscrew the hole to stop the flow an fill the next ones. The only oil clean up I had to mess with was the drain from the filter. For that, I cut up a 5 gallon drywall mud bucket to five inches with a sabre saw. It's nice and free. I did it today, and it was a breeze.
Rude person's, based on your praise of the Fram Sure drain valve I bought one off eBay. I'm not entirely sold on it as you are. It's just a spring loaded valve with a rubber washer. The Fumoto valve is a quarter turn Teflon ball valve that is less likely to leak the oil out of the oil pan, because even if the spring in the valve fails, the ball valve still needs to be turned a quarter turn to open it up. The Sure Drain valve could fail to seal if either the spring or gasket/washer breaks or becomes worn. Granted, the Sure Drain does have a "dust cap" with an additional rubber gasket that would catch any oil that leaks past the Sure Drain valve, should it ever fail. For the money though, the Fumoto valve seems better engineered IMO. SCH-I535
The only modification that I did was to the hose. I replaced the opaque orange hose with a piece of clear vinyl tubing. That way, I can see the oil flowing through it as it drains.
That sounds like a good idea. I have some clear PVC tubing that I bought for my transaxle fluid change. SCH-I535
Epiphany2k, did you install the Fumoto F103 or the F103N, the one with the nipple to attach tubing on it? I installed the F103N a couple days ago and it just fits behind the oil change door/flap. SCH-I535
I got the F103N. I installed it during my last oil change, so I haven't actually drained oil through it yet. I've been meaning to put a clamp on it to protect against accidental opening of the valve as some have suggested in other threads. Gotta add it to my list for my next trip to Home Depot.
Let's see if I understand this. Your battery has considerably more amps and volts than stated on its label, but they list it as being seriously discharged and in a very low state of health?
A fully charged 12v lead acid should measure 12.6v. Fully discharged one is around 11.7v. The state of health rating likely includes other details not listed. Such as; charge and discharge rates, and the capacity.
I've run some tests on the battery myself, and it is definitely on the tail end of it's life. Resting voltage (after the car has not been driven for several hours) is usually about 11.9, and it discharges quickly when placed under a load. It is still reliable for the time being, but I'll likely have to replace it within the next year or so.
Why play Russian Roulette (Battery version) when you can proactively get the replacement battery at a lower cost ahead of time vs. paying max price. The cost of having you Prius towed or serviced at maximum cost will not make up for the extra days, weeks, or (unlikely) months you have left. I have a 2001 Prius and I can assure you a dying 12V battery causes far more difficulties in a Prius than a dying 12V battery does in a conventional car.
Or just get the replacement, and keep it with required tools in the car. I now try to give our car batteries a top up charge about once a month at least. It can take a traditional starter battery 20 minutes of driving to charge back up after starting a car. With all the accessories cars now have, the battery likely never gets fully charged. The deep discharge battery in a hybrid like a Prius should handle it better, but it is a smaller capacity to begin with.
I'm skeptical of those oil drain taps, never had a problem loosening a bolt. And a bolt seems a lot more secure. That said: those guys are REALLY ballsy removing that, without even contacting you. I remember a few decades back, hearing a whistling sound from around the gas cap zone, after a long drive in hot weather. I was pretty sure it was normal gas tank venting, by design. With the next dealership service, I made the mistake of mentioning the noise. Didn't think anything more about it for a few weeks, but then started noticing a gasoline smell around the car. The jokers had "fixed" the sound: drilled a hole through the gas cap...
They didn't remove it, they just suggested that I replace it with a regular drain plug (which I have no intention of doing). It screws in tight like a normal plug, and you can secure the valve with a clamp if desired. Sounds like vandalism on the part of the dealer to me. I hope you got them to replace the gas cap free of charge (then again, I wonder if they would actually admit to drilling the hole?).
Ah, missed the "recommendation" text in the bill. I just bought a replacement cap, from them I think. Yeah, sometimes you know God is on your side, but there's just no profit in being righteous. I quit using them, got into more DIY.