I'm tempted to trade my car for a 2004 Prius for $16,900 that I found in a dealership up in Connecticut through cars.com. But I've been reading about the improvements that have been made in the 2006 model. What improvements have been made since the 2004 model excluding thinks like cosmetic differences, backup camera, and MP3 CD player? I read on this forum that the MFD has improved. I assume the fuel gauge problem has been fixed. What other things have been fixed? I've tried searching the forums, but the info is scattered across different threads.
The fuel gauge problem is cosmetic, too: once you know how far your car goes on a tank, you can deal with the gauge. I have an '04 and I love it. An '04 with NAV might have an older data base if the owner has not spent the money to upgrade it. I don't know what the '06 MFD is like, but the '04 MFD is fine, in my opinion, though I'm going to have the CANview installed so I can get more data than Toyota wanted to give us. (Afraid of frightening the ordinary driver with too much info, I suppose.) The '04 is a great car, and a used one would be a very acceptable idea if you cannot afford the price of a new one, or you simply have better things to spend the money on.
Some 2004s needed a couple of software upgrades, a new brake position switch, one modification to another electrical connector; and the taillights were susceptible to warping in extreme heat. These are all fixed on the 2006. They are relatively minor problems. If you can get a 2004, which has been checked out and given a clean bill of health by a Prius-certified technician, for that price it's a good deal even if it still needs those items addressed. I would not say that the gas gauge is any better on the 2006, but then I'm not bent out of shape by the gauge on the 2004. When the gauge says "buy gas", buy gas; don't argue with it on the basis of how far you think you should be able to go, because you will lose the argument.
I would stick with the 2004. My wife and I have two 05's and will run them until they break or they come out with a 250 mpg car (or an alternative fuel vehicle takes hold). Worse case maybe trade out the car in about 5 years. They will continue to add new stuff to the Prius and refine the old. You can always keep busy by modifing your current 04. GTCovers makes leather seat covers that are snug and look OEM and Coastal tech sells the rear veiw camera. However, I think the overall engine/vehicle performance is still the same from the 04 to the 06.
I checked out the dealership on the BBB website and they have no complaints filed against them. A Prius-certified technician is essentially having it checked at the dealership? I'm gonna go check out the car on Tuesday. I'm already trying to work the math on how much money I would save compared to my current car. So far, it looks to be a very good deal if the car has a clean title.
Call me paranoid or a suspicious distrustful old bastard, but I wouldn't have it checked out by the same dealer who wants to sell it to you. If it's a lemon, would they tell you? Take it to a Prius-certified tech somewhere else (yes, you will have to pay for this service). Just to make it more fun, even now not every Toyota dealer has a Prius-certified tech.
I would ask what options it has on it- Does it have Smart entry- you can tell if there is a black button on the front door handle or around the hatch entry. YOU want this! Does it have Navigation (you will see another button on the steering wheel)- the option with NAV also had side curtain airbags and VSC (vehicle stability control)? Are these important to you? Check also on carfax.com for clear title , any accidents, FLOOD DAMAGE, etc. Even our credit union sent out a notice to watch for flood damaged cars being sold everywhere. When buying a used car always take to another mechanic to get it checked out. Also you will not get any tax deduction/credit with a used car, where you would with a new car.
Without knowing the trade-in value of your existing car, I can't tell if you are getting a decent deal on the 2004. You are not far from Miller Toyota in VA where people are getting a good discount on the 2006 model. You may want to give them a call and figure out the true difference in cost between a new and the used Prius. If you are qualified for the tax credit, you might be surpised how small the cost difference is. I have both a 2004 (24K miles) and a 2006 (900 miles) Prius. With a new set of Comfortred tires on the 2004, they drive pretty much the same. Except for the software update, I have not had any repair done on the 2004 one. Hope this helps.
Something that you shoudl also consider is the $3000+ tax credit if you buy the new 2006 rather than the used 2004. I just got my 2006 about a month ago - I absolutely love it!
I meant bringing it to a Toyota dealership, not the dealership selling it. The website doesn't have the specs listed other than 6 disc CD changer. But I'll know more once I see it on Tuesday. I'll get the VIN once I see it and I'll get a carfax on it. I am tempted to get the 2006 with package 3 since it has smart key and the backup camera, with a price of around $23k. LHL, I have a 2005 Scion tC Release Series 1. Kelly's Blue Book lists the trade-in value for a regular tC as $16k. I really want to sell it to a friend who wants a car instead. I can get a better deal out of it. In case you're wondering why I am interested in selling my car, it's because I struggle to get 20 mpg, mostly due to my short distance driving. But when I drive farther, I use up more gas a month and it costs about $30 a tank (12 gallons) each time. Whether I get new or used, I'll save some money over my current car in the long run. I only need to refuel 2-3 times a month under usual driving as opposed to 5-6 times with the tC. And if I get VSC, my insurance might lower even more. I got swayed by a fast driving car when I was deciding last year. I don't regret buying it. Had lots of fun. But, I should start thinking long term. I expected to get about 24-25 mpg when I bought the tC, but I've been getting 17-18 mpg typically, 21 mpg when I drive more highway. I wanna switch over to the Prius by August for my trip to Baltimore for Otakon. I'll see what happens after I check out the 2004 Prius in person. Thanks to all who have replied.
I just bought a used 2004 Prius (I couldn't get financed for a new one, go figure) and I love it, I bought it at about 20,000 miles, which it turned out according to another thread on here is a break-in point for the car and so I get even better gas millege, and I got the extended warrany as thopugh it was new car, as the Kia dealership also ownes a Toyota dealership and could offer me the manufacturer's warranty, which covers just about everything and I have it for 10 years or 75,000 miles. I would recommend the used one, providing the millege isn't too high. $16,000 is a steal for it, at least it would be in Cali, they Blue Book out at $24,500 when selling private, or $26,500 from a dealership (higher if certified).
It's listed at 18k miles, which I don't think is too bad. What I wonder is why it's been on the lot for so long. A while back, the price tag was $19,900. Then it dropped to $18,900, then $17,900, and finally to $16,900. I will need at least a test drive of it before I commit to buying it. I'm sure I can tell if something is wrong if I get to drive it.
I agree with the poster who recommended checking for flood damage. Since Katrina there are flood-damaged cars on the market. DO get VSC. This is not a frill, it is an excellent safety feature. I will never own another car without it. If one of the cars you are considering has it and the other does not, for me that would be the deciding factor. Presumably you'll be able to see a list of the included options when you see the car. Demand a list if they don't volunteer it.
This car was listed before Katrina hit. So I don't think there will be flood damage from that. But I'll do a thorough check.
I just came back from checking out the used Prius. In fact, there were 2 used Prii there, but both suffered flood damage. Although the dealership said I can get it checked out by any mechanic of my choice, I'd rather not have a flood damaged car. And both had a weird smell to it, the smell of mold. Next week, I'll stop by the dealership where I got my Scion and get the ball rolling on an 06 Prius. I'm deciding on package 3(HF) or package 5(HI). So far, the people I've spoken to told me to spend a bit more and go for the package that included everything I would want (VSC, Bluetooth).
Aw man, that sux... FWIW, there are a few used ones up here in MA... http://www.iramotorgroup.com/used_inventor...r&SBmodel=Prius
I gather that the smell of mold is impossible to get rid of. Once you've got it, you've got it for good. Too bad. But the '06 will be a fine car too, just a bit more expensive.
More expensive, but has all the features I want. I've spoken with a Toyota dealership, and they will allow me trade in my car which has not been fully paid off. So it looks like I'll be able to buy the Prius despite a higher cost. But, to me, it is well worth the money considering it will have all the safety options I want including front and rear side airbags as well as VSC. What I can't prepare for is the criticisms of people who think it is stupid to trade a tC for a Prius.
In making the decision about the used '04 or the new '06 one thing that hasn't been suggested is to drive both cars. I test drove an '05 back in October, then took delivery of an '06 in January and found that the '06 had a noticeably different feel to the suspension and steering. My guess is that you will also find that difference between the '04 and '06, so try them and see which one you like better.
I love our 04' Never had a problem with it, just recieved the brake light switch recall other than that no problems, My wife refuses to drive anything else... In fact when its time to trade this one in or sell it she wants another..... Its got 40k on it now and she wants to get rid of it at 70k so its still worth something.....<<