Hi ppl, I am wondering if I install an aftermarket blind spot monitor system, will this void my warranty? Thank you
He clearly stated "blind spot monitor" not backup camera. I highly doubt it'll void any kind of warranty. Goshers blind spot monitor Blind Spot Systems: Passenger Car and SUV - Products Putting an aftermarket car blind-spot warning system to the test
cproaudio, Thank you for answering! Not sure if you are in Southern California. Just wondering if you know any good store to install the Blink Spot System in the Southern California?
A custom stereo shop should be able to install it. I don't think it's that hard. It's about the same as installing back up sensors.
Oh I see. "Blind spot detector" was a term unfamiliar to me. I have always called those devices proximity detectors. I agree with cproaudio. Unlikely to void a warranty.