Remote Start Doesn't Keep the Car On

Discussion in 'Gen 3 Prius Care, Maintenance & Troubleshooting' started by Rachmaninov, Dec 3, 2010.

  1. Flagmaster

    Flagmaster Junior Member

    Aug 26, 2014
    2012 Prius
    Hello. New to the forum. Been reading this chain because I too am very annoyed that after remote starting my Prius that it shuts off when I open the door. Im using a CompuStar 2way "Max it" with "blade Al" which is a "idatalink" on a cartridge.

    I don't yet have a perfect fix for this, but I think Im very close. I cant take full credit as I saw this issue on another board for a different car. least in my car, I was able to un-screw the door sensor and then remove the plug from, leave it unpluged, and put it back onto the frame. In this manner, the car never sees the driver door open, and thusly leaves the car running after remote start.

    There are three side effects that Im still working on...

    #1. The after market alarm (and factory built in alarm) will never detect the drivers door beeing opened. So, if someone picks the lock (very unlikely), it wont set off the alarm.

    #2. You will need to press on the break before you press on the start button or shift into gear. This action causes the remote-started car to stop.

    {possible solution is my alarm brain is NOT connected to the PTS button wires---maybe doing so will fix this?}

    #3. I enabled passive arming (so the alarm arms itself 30 seconds after the last door is closed in case I forget to arm it). This removal of the drivers door sensor line kinda trips up passive arming a bit. Upon exit of the car, the alarm never sees this exit, and thus never starts the 30 second count down timer. (Not an issue for those not using passive arming, or no alarm at all, or are willing to arm manually)

    {possible solution is to find THAT doors sensor wire, and connect it to the door sense line. Currently doors are monitored via the CAN buss}

    I also have an idea to put my factory key inside the car, dissconnect its internal battery, hook it too a rely, so that it "powers up" only on dissarm. This way, I dont have to carry two key fob's. Door handle touch lock/unlock wont work tho. No biggy for me.

    BTW Compustar Max It with the 900MhzSS antenna system is K I C K B U T T range. Many blocks away it works swell.
  2. bisco

    bisco cookie crumbler

    May 11, 2005
    2012 Prius Plug-in
    Plug-in Base
    welcome to priuschat! your technical knowledge is beyond my comprehension, all the best!(y)
  3. qdllc

    qdllc Senior Member

    Aug 25, 2013
    2013 Prius

    I get the frustration. Why bother shutting down just because you open the driver's door, but the remote start was designed only to let you cool/heat the car without going out to get in it first. You could also complain that it doesn't stay on longer than 12 minutes and give you the option to turn it off manually via the fob while you are at it.
  4. Flagmaster

    Flagmaster Junior Member

    Aug 26, 2014
    2012 Prius
    There is still some beinifit to remote starting in terms of temp. Its def better then if you didnt. But it would be better yet if the stupid thing would stay on while I get in and buckle up.
  5. Flagmaster

    Flagmaster Junior Member

    Aug 26, 2014
    2012 Prius

    I made some good progress tonight. I can now remote start my prius, dissarm (which unlocks the door). Open the door. The system STAYS ON! WOO!...Get in, close the door, buckle up. All this with the ingnition staying fully engaged.

    BUT...I still can't just go into gear and drive away yet. If I try to go in reverse it wont because it wants me to apply the break first. Hitting the break at this point kills the system. Its a simple matter of just hitting the start button now (with the smart key in the car). So the AC stops after the door is closed---WAY better, but still not perfect yet.

    I got some more ideas tho...
  6. qdllc

    qdllc Senior Member

    Aug 25, 2013
    2013 Prius
    It would be nice if the system was designed to let you select if you want the car to stay on if you open the door and want to put it in gear. It's a software deal that should pose no safety issue if it's what the owner wishes to utilize.
  7. If you can't malcan

    If you can't malcan New Member

    Sep 24, 2015
    United kingdom
    2012 Prius Plug-in
    Does any one have a circuit for the plug in Prius as need these to fit viper
  8. Flagmaster

    Flagmaster Junior Member

    Aug 26, 2014
    2012 Prius
    UPDATE: Very good progress on hacking this problem. This is where I am now...

    Remote start on the keyfob.
    Car starts
    Car send confirm to keyfob
    Car stays armmed and locked
    Walk up to car only with aftermarket keyfob (no toyata key)
    Try to open door. Nope, locked.
    Press unlock on the keyfob
    Car unlocks, dissarmed, sends confrim beep to keyfob.
    Car stays running.
    Open door, opens, car stays runing.
    Get in, close door, put on seat belt. Car still on, Heat/AC still blowing.
    Press break. Car shuts off.
    Keep pressing, wait for green led on push to start, about 3 seconds led comes on.
    Press start, car starts...keep pressing break.
    Shift into reverse and drive away.
    Finish drive. Press start to shut off car.
    Get out,. close door. Walk away.
    30 seconds later car locks and arms.

    The door pins have all been hooked back up and work like they should. I did a minor hack on the front two door pin wires. I pass'ed them thru a relay. This relay allows the door pins to talk to the BCM as normal. But when the car is dissarmed by the keyfob, the relay pops open disconnecting them from the BCM. This allows me to open the unlocked door, with out the car shutting down. The door pins stay dissconnected until the car is back to am armed state.

    The only side effect this has, is at night, after the car is stared, when you open a front door, the dome light wont come on...BUT this is a very minor problem because typicaly you dont open the front door if your motor is still on. So once you park the car, hit the stop button, that alone kicks on the dome light. Door opens or not.

    After the re-arm 30 seconds later, the relay pops again, re-connecting the front door pins, and your safe again with an alarm that will sound if the front doors are opened.

    BTW I also connected a relay to "break" the PTS even with a valid Toyota key, it wont work unless you dissarm the aftermarket alarm with its keyfob.

    This is way better then it was, but Im still not 100% happy yet. I have a plan in mind will even fix this break pedal shut down issue, but thats gonna be very involved and very invasive into the car's electronics. But I might get motovated enough to acuatlly do it, and if I do I might have some plans or possible even a product that will do the job---just as soon as I invent it.

    Any interest in that? Should I start at fund raiser? Im 100% sure I can do it, but its not gonna be easy.