Ryan Adams Monty Python's Spamalot sound track (saw it twice-once in chicago, once in New York, going to see it a third time in Chicago) Moby Oh and the parrots renditions of songs- be it vocal or screeching along with the music. Amy
Straight Ahead just rocks. Not a bad song on that one. Also love the new stuff (From the Ashes and The Fuse). Great political messages. I've actually got 157 songs in an iPod playlist. I love that! I recently found the NOFX/Rancid 'cover' album (they do each other's songs) Great stuff there. Curt.
Oh wow! I haven't heard that in years... I still throw in "Operation Mindcrime" every few months though...
Yep - I do the same...when not also listening to some old Boston, Planet P Project, Rush, Floyd, or Traffic.....
Podcast commentary of a Battlestar Galactica TNS ep (Resurrection Ship, part 1) from earlier this season.
My wife! If she isn't asking some question she issuing instructions. Wildkow p.s. Oh Hi Honey! I didn't see you standing there! :lol:
Right now, the tv is going in the background. Normally, i only listen to music at work and on the hour drive to and from there. On the trip to and from work, the XM is set to Xcounty. Love alternative country, good Texas artists (Pat Green, James McMurtry, Lyle Lovett,etc.), and some top forty country. Also as a good Texas girl, gotta love the Stevie Ray Vaughn...I still remember where I was when he died. Cried for days. At work...well, I have 11 or 12 Jimmy Buffett cd's download to my computer at work. I did listen to Sirius or Radio Margaritaville, till I got busted streaming music..Not enough bandwidth at this time, but our IT guy made an internal music server for our office (gotta love that)..Also have the aforementioned TX music, the Beatles, the Eagles, Kid Rock, Metallica, Kenny Wayne Sheppard Band, Pearl Jam, and more that I can't remember...I listen to just about everything, but as you can tell by my posts, I am and will always be a Parrothead! B)
Sitting here listening to Howard Stern and listening to a police radio & the low hum from 5 computer work stations in the background... lol anythings better than listening to a persons dog licking its butt ROLMAO :lol:
Only English marketing people could come up with something as mind-bogglingly irritating as Crazy Frog.