I have my hotel reservation now. I'll stay in Bellevue, which should be an easy freeway shot from home, and a compromise for travel to Lacy on the 6th and the circus on the 7th. So you can count me as a definite for Lacy. The only mod I have is the "invisible" Costal Tech EV switch. Still not sure if I'll attempt the CANview installation myself, or wait and ask someone to do it for me at Lacy. But I have the CANview itself in hand.
Actually, I thought of that. It'll depend on: If I decide to wait that long rather than attempt it myself, and if Frank or someone else wants to do it.
By the term "Prius Master Tech," do you mean that Mike is a Toyota Certified Prius mechanic? Would you want to find out if he'd be interested? If someone truly qualified (not merely a do-it-yourselfer) is interested, I would make a definite decision. (Possibly ??? including the back-up camera.) Find out how much he'd want to do the job also, as I would not dream of asking someone to do it for nothing. (And what would be involved in installing the camera? How much dismantling, and how much time?) (I don't have the camera, but I'd seriously consider getting it.)
Mike offered to do mine for free for the experience! He is a mensch! Trust me. In a public demo he might just be willing to do it. The camera needs a interface. Look on Norms web site. I got mine from England. Very nice people. I got the camera from Costal E Tech. It is not cheep but it came all set up ready to go. Costal Dave did a great job setting it up. I will talk to Mike again. You could PM him he is a nice guy. Like I said a mensch!
The camera will not work with the version 1 of CAN-view as far as I know. But check with Norm to be sure.
I have the version 2 of the CANview. I got the v2 so as to have the option of the back-up camera, although I don't yet have the camera. I will write to Norm and ask him specifically what I need to connect a camera, and which he recommends.
Norm says the camera requires a $100 converter from England, and the cameras range from $50 to $500. I don't know if those figures are CAD or USD. Anybody got recommendations for cameras, and what the difference is between the cheap ones and the expensive ones? At $600 I think I'd pass. If the image is really poor on the cheap camera, I think I'd pass. In between, I'd have to think it over. My sister's Lexus has a back-up camera, and it's kind of cool, but definitely a frill, not a necessaity. And presumably (especially in winter) it would be useless unless the lens is kept clean.
The converter and cable was 56 pounds sterling as I recall with shipping. I got the camera kit from Coastal Tech. http://www.coastaletech.com/rear_view_camera.htm . You can get a OEM for a bit less I think. The kit was very nice all set up aimed and ready to go. He even modified the cables to make the install simpler. Be careful if you get a frame camera someone around here got one that was not reversible as Coastal’s is and he and never got it to fit and apparently could not send it back because he took a file to it in an attempt to make it fit. The camera needs to be on the lower part of the licenses so the camera needs to be removed from the licenses frame and turned upside down or your picture is upside down on the MFD! If you try to mount it with the camera on the top you can’t get at the hatch release. Some of the cheaper licenses frame cameras do not have this option! They are half the price but don’t work. Costal Dave took care of all that prepped the frame and all Mike had to do is put it on and run the wires! Easy is good in my book and worth something at least to me.
Okay. So it looks like a total price around $500 if I get the Coastal camera kit and the U.K. converter. Although I could afford it, at that price I have to decide if I want it. What's your feeling about it? Do you like it? Is it worth the price? Is it a really useful feature, or a frill? A techno-geek gadget or a valuable addition to the car? My own personal additional consideration is that I expect to trade in my car when the next major model revision comes out, and I'm guessing I would not get more for the car with the backup camera. After-market mods usually don't increase the value of a car unless you get lucky enough to find someone who really wants that feature, and trusts the particular installation. This, of course, is a decision I have to make for myself, but I'd be very interested in your subjective feelings/opinions about yours.
Well all I can say is every accident that I have caused myself ( i.e. not someone else hitting me) involved me backing up in to something, usually stationary like a tree or post. What can I say dyslexia is a bummer sometimes. I need all the help I can get. I really like it. There is one additional advantage that it is so wide angle that I can see people in parking lots who are not paying attention to me when I back up because the “engine is not running†I actually had a LOL chew me out for backing up with out the car being “ONâ€. She was driving a very late model GM product. I did not even try to explain it to her.
Hmmm. I've never backed into anything. For me, the main thing would be when parallel parking in a very tight spot, I could come closer than I'd otherwise dare. But in that situation, I'd want a front camera as well. ... And curb feelers while we're at it! My step-father's oldsmobile had curb feelers. That would have been early 1950's. I thought "oldsmobile" just meant any old car. He let me steer it once. I think he must have been drunk. I certainly steered it as though I was. I would have been 4 or 5.
I you can believe it Parallel parking has never been a problem for me. My driving instructor taught me a formula for doing it in 10 grade and it has all been down hill from there. Early on it involves putting a mark on the rear passenger window side with lipstick. I think that it was the obtaining a lipstick and marking the window that centered all our male chi and gave us confidence, with or without a back seat, occasion to help! I have no idea how the women in our group used it, come to think of it I do not want to know. :wub:
I'd like to go this Lacey Fair. If my kitchen cabinets project isn't at a critical point, I'll try to make it. Road trip, road trip!
the more the merrier, if there is enough of us Prius owners there we might be able to push the military display out of the prominent location.
I guess I'm not getting the backup camera. I could afford it, but I don't need it. I'm also not going to attempt the CANview installation on my own. Which means I definitely want someone to do it for me at Lacy. I'll pay a reasonable amount for the job. Frank? Mike? Norm says he cannot go to Lacy.