Ok so about a month ago I'm getting in my car, start it, turn on the a/c and as soon as I put it in drive and start to move I hear this strange noise all of a sudden. It's happened a few times now since then usually will be at least a week in between before it makes the noise again. What I have gathered is it can only be herd inside the cab, so it's not under hood and when you turn the a/c off it shuts off so has something to do with that. Sounds kind of like a fan and I've included a video even though it's dark I follow the sound and it appears to come from the passenger side of the center console. Any guesses to what it could be or even better does anyone know exactly what it is? Thanks
That sound is just your thermos water pump working, a few seconds when you start the car and a few seconds when you shut down. It's normal
Gen 3 Prius and CT200h do not have Thermos. It's the Invertor cooling pump. Its normal that the pump is working, but the noise is not normal. Show the video to your service advisor and they will change the pump. Do not wait till the pump fails. - Alex
Found the culprit... I'm not sure what's wrong with it but basically it randomly "throws itself off" then makes that awful sound. I don't know if I just buy a new one or what. Car is 7k over the 50k factory warranty so I don't know if it's something the dealership would replace.
But I dont know if I should replace it or if it maybe can be fixed? It doesnt do that sound all the time and a temporary fix is turn ac off and then back on and its gone. Even though I know thats obviously not going to fix it.
Visit RepaiPal.com, and find a certified mechanic in your area, if there is one. If not, a highly-rated one. See if they will give you a free estimate on what can be done.
They don't fix themselves and I don't recall ever seeing one that you can get replacement parts for. Shop around for a good price and put a new one in. OEM Lexus Parts - Lexus Parts Catalog
You could just replace the blower motor instead of the entire unit. The part is also used in other Toyotas. You'll save some by avoiding sites selling the Lexus part. Car Part LEXUS 8710375021, MOTOR SUB-ASSY, BLOW If you can replace the cabin air filter and use basic tools, the unit is behind the glove box with the filter. How to's are on the web.
Thanks everyone for the help yeah I already had pulled it out I think I might try spraying it with some wd-40 first to see if that stops the squeaking
i had this problem with a squirrel cage motor in a gas fireplace. the mating surfaces wear, creating wiggle in the cage. you probably need to replace it.