Millionaire holds ex-wife in contempt Man, 68, spends a decade in jail rather than disclose assets Wednesday, March 22, 2006; Posted: 10:42 p.m. EST (03:42 GMT) H. Beatty Chadwick, 68, is believed to hold the record for time served in a U.S. civil contempt case. He was jailed in 1995 for allegedly hiding $2.5 million in overseas banks during a bitter divorce. Since then, a series of judges have told him he could go free once he tells the court what happened to the money, but Chadwick hasn't budged, the judges said. Chadwick, a former corporate lawyer, maintains he lost the money in an overseas investment. Experts say it would now be worth more than $8 million. In the latest ruling in the meandering case, a three-judge Delaware County panel concluded that the most recent court-ordered financial probe did little to resolve questions about the money. Chadwick, while claiming cooperation, did not give investigators full power to follow the money trail overseas, the judges said. "Defendant Chadwick's lack of cooperation undermined the entire investigation, invalidating any conclusions or recommendations," the judges wrote in their ruling last month. The ruling kicked aside the recommendation of a retired judge who believed Chadwick was being cooperative and should be released. In contrast, the presiding judges found little change in Chadwick's stance. Chadwick's lawyer, Michael Malloy, said Tuesday he will appeal. Malloy said lawyers for Chadwick's ex-wife, painter Barbara Jean "Bobbie" Chadwick, did not rebut their expert testimony. She now lives in Maine under a different name.
If the guy is telling the truth, then this is a travesty, if not...e is a jerk who is getting what he deserves. So it OK to marry w/o a pre-nup and then, when you tire of your wife, you can claim "well I earned it so you get nothing? Wait, don't has to do with selfishness and narcicism (sp?)
...and the problem with this is???? Dude, that's nothing but a more grandoise form of prostitution... Thanks ma'am, here's your pay off... F NO! You know, the last chick I almost went out with, early on said the following: "When you get married, "yours" becomes a pot of "ours"...." ...and that's where it ended. The point is, she EMPHASIZED it... To an extent I agree, but getting bankrupted of all your work because it didn't "work out", is a FAR bigger travesty of justice. Let's face it, guys get f'd over far more than women in divorce cases... Besides, I don't like women who are dependent, they should always (as with anyone) have the ability to do well and succeed on their own, irrespective of how a realtionship turns out.
Well, I regret saying it, but the vast majority of marriages are f'ed up by the male half. Adultery, Abuse, or Addiction. It is MORE of a crapshoot for women in the dating scene than men......thaks for being Exhibit A :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: p.s.- Have I ever thanked you for having a good sense of humor????
LMAO! What planet are YOU on? Or did you post this so your wife could see it, or to get in "good" with all the chicks on PC? MOST chicks are lying, conniving, fake __________ , who avoid dealing with tough issues, who don't have any GUTS when it comes down to it. MOST chicks say, they are this or that, and end up being TOTALLY LAME. Man, I could tell you sooooo many stories... Eh, who cares... Someday the right one will come along, or I'll find her (although I tend to think I already did years ago), until then 95% are cookie cutter, mass produced, socially acceptable pre-forms. Just a different name with a different face.
Squid, There are situations, such as with successful attorneys, doctors, executives among others, where one spouse invests very heavily in the career of another. I have supported dh for well over ten years, while he pursues a very specialized type of medical training. I have repaid six figure loan amounts, bought our house, funded his retirement accounts, etc. - - his income has only covered a very small fraction of these expenses. Perhaps even more important, I have dealt with a large amount of the household and family responsibilities because he works unbelievably long hours. Now, I make a very good living, but when praise god he finishes he will make much more money. Do I feel entitled to an equal share of our assets and a share of his income if we divorce? Absolutely. I should add that unfortunately, most states will not award me a share of his future income (though they will generally split assets). If, however, I had invested the hundreds of thousands of dollars I have spent on him in a taco bell franchise, I would be entitled to a share of profits. So, I am not sure where all this selfish, conniving bitch talk is coming from . . . as far as I can see women don't make out very well at all in their investment in marriage. And if you think people are foolish for investing in their spouses' dreams, you are probably right - - love is not completely rational.
hate to say it, but its a 50-50 world, men AND women both are very very good as screwing up relationships