I have recently acquired a 2014 Prius PIH Tec-Edition and I am delighted with it. I have averaged over 70mpg with 70% HV driving (including a long drive back home from where I purchased it) so this is only going to get better as I do most of my travelling in the city in EV mode. I have been using the supplied cable/EV charger with a standard 10A / 230V socket - here in Geneva (Switzerland) and in France. It charges remarkably fast and I was considering buying a second (identical) cable/charger and "attach" it to a light post in the garden (since this would not require upgrading the lamp's wiring from 10A up to 16A). But here is the problem: That cable/EV charger (Toyota part# G9060-47200) costs over $1,000 here in Switzerland and when I checked the price in Germany (usually cheaper) it is €1,300 ($1,700!!) Help! Any ideas or recommendations on a good but reasonably priced home EV charging device? It needs to be compatible with European supply (i.e. 230V 50Hz) and waterproof (e.g. IP44 or IP67 as the supplied charger) and ideally, work off a 10A 230V supply (instead of 16A). I have seen loads of home chargers while I was in California earlier this month (even Home Depot has them!) but they were marked as 60Hz only Thanks for your help. - John
Correct me if I'm wrong, but the charger-cord should work in both places with a plug-adapter. If I understand you correctly, you believe that the car would charge more quickly if the circuit were upgraded from 10A to 16A. I believe the charge rate would be the same in both cases.
Hi Greg, Thanks for your response. Yes the supplied EV charger works in Switzerland and in France (I use an adapter that works fine since it does not draw more than 10A.) I am not sure if the charging time would be reduced by using an EV charger rated at 16A. The Toyota manual does not mention anything about this, unfortunately. Do you know if the charging time can be reduced down to one hour if using a 16A EV charger? If not, I can live with 10A and a 90 minute full charge cycle. Unlike the rest of Europe, where every standard home socket is rated at 230V/13A, in Switzerland they are limited to 10A. That is no problem with the supplied EV charger / cable since it will only draw 10A. That was the reason I wanted to get a second one and use it as a permanent charging station (fixed). But it is very expensive (compared to the chargers I saw in the US that retail at $600-800, for sure!) I have been searching for alternative home EV charger devices in Switzerland and Europe but have not had much luck. I was wondering if some European Prius PIH users on the forum have found or are using devices that they would recommend.
Larger Amperage of the AC outlet ( 16 Amps) will not be of any shorter charging period, that it's managed by the vehicle internal charger. The only consideration to have is, with certainty that the outdoor lamp circuit will handle the 10Amps with out a problem, that will be a be a heavy and constant load instead of a wimpy light fixture. Also as a consideration, the EVSE that Toyota provides with their vehicles are not waterproof, these are merely weatherproof. I would consider to install your secondary EVSE in a protected outdoor's enclosure. On Prius Chat there is an advertiser for 120 and 240 VAC EVSEs, do a search.
I believe the Prius charging system has a provision for the car and the charging station to exchange information via a signal wire, therefore the charging time may vary according to the amperage rating of the charging station, but I'm not sure. For the plug-in charger, I don't believe it can detect the amperage-rating of the power source; only the voltage.
I am thinking at one point Volt or Leaf came with a charging cable that allowed a lower amp setting...no idea if it would work for you but maybe... >>It was the 2012 2103 Volt that came with 8 and 12 amp options...I was thinking cable this could be used on a Prius Plug_in but not sure...someone will have to advise
Thanks guys. I found this online in the UK. Portable Mode 2 16a J1772 EVSE with Schuko Domestic Plug Looks like it will adapt the current / amperage according to what is available and the heat in the plug. It's also a fair bit cheaper than the Toyota supplied EV charger cable. Has anyone here tried it? Wondering what most Prius PIH owners use in Europe. Just the cable supplied with the car or a home charger device? Thanks, John
The PiP will charge 10A max. I bought this: EV-Power | Assembly kit: Charging plug J1772 with cable (16 Amp, 5m) incl. electronics and I am happy with it. It cost me 220EUR + VAT. And another 20EUR for certified electrician to wire it up for me. I can't tell how much waterproof it is, since I have it hardwired to a wall cabinet and located under a roof. Together with my PiP safely away from sun, rain, snow... I shall make a photo of final result and post it here for you.
Not just Switzerland. The UK is restricted to 10A too unless with a dedicated connection such as a cooker/stove. That connector you found from the UK will probably be ok. It will be designed to comply with the EU requirements so won't cause issues with your home insurance etc.
Actually, the one this URL is directly reffering to is already assembled. However, a DIY kit is also available.
Here are the photos of EVSE connected to the wall cabinet ... "The big" picture: The wound-up EVSE: Charging:
In the UK there have been government subsidies that allowed free dedicated charging points to be installed, weatherproof, and with their own charging cord and connector. Mine was a Chargemaster unit, don't know if they operate in Switzerland.
However, after about four months of EV-Power | Assembly kit: Charging plug J1772 with cable (16 Amp, 5m) incl. electronics EVSE operation, I've found out, that the EVSE needs a reset every now an then. Since it is hardwired in a wall cabinet, I have to remove the circuit-breaker in the house for a couple of seconds. Really not such a biggie to explore further, but if I knew this before, I would have ask the electrician to wire it thru an ON-OFF switch.