If you are using the android chargepoint app to stop the session, do NOT upgrade the version. The new version 5.0 do NOT have the feature to stop the session.
Why would you need to stop the session? I've had a plug-in vehicle for almost two years now and never found the need to stop the charging session.
At my work the station's charge is based on the session time. The session is not getting closed after the charge complete. I usually close the session from my desk using the phone after the charge complete. Now I need to walk to my car to close the session in order to avoid the fees charged when the car is not getting charged.
Wait, you're paying to charge? I've never seen a Chargepoint station that requires payment. Does that make economical sense?
Good question. Yes, Charge point do have paid stations. At my work the station charges $0.75 cents per hour. Since I'm getting 100+ MPG with the charge in highways, my overall cost per mile is about 5-10 cents lesser(compared to driving with not charging). And when considering employer reimburse for the EV charges, the cost per mile reduces even more.
So you close the session from your phone in order to stop the fees, but leave your car parked in the spot plugged in until you feel like getting up and moving it? I don't see a problem with this policy. Once you finish charging at a public station, there is no reason for you not to move your car unless it's your own personal charger so that other's may use it. There's a free station not too far from where I live near some apartments, and it seems a few of the apartment residents just leave their cars their overnight and on weekends on a regular basis. It's frustrating not to be able to use a charger because a Volt owner has been chilling for 10+ hours and is too lazy to move his car once his charge is done. Even free chargers should rack up fees once you finish charging if you don't move your car.
Good point. I agree that free stations should charge if the car is parked after charging completes. My work has four lots for charging and I see nobody else using it other than me. (might be because its not free) If I have seen little traffic, yes I would love to move my car immediately after charging. Since I don't have that need, I was using the "stop session from phone" feature of the earlier charge point app. And yes that the exact reason the chargepoint removed that feature. Now I don't have a choice other than walking to the parking lot and closing the session. Not a big deal, I love to take a break from work and walk.
Ahhh okay, that's a different case if the chargers are under utilized. Fees by time instead of kWh make it generally not worth it for those of us with the slower 3.3 kW charger to use public stations. The Prius pulls about 2 kWh per hour, so you're paying about 37.5 cents per kWh. One gallon of gas is roughly equal to 12 kWh for the Prius, so your effective gas equivalent price is $4.50 per gallon gas, so it would actually be cheaper to use gas than electricity at 75 cents an hour right now. Hence the under utilization of public charging stations amongst PHEVs. The stations that charge per kWh are generally better for cars with the slower charger, but cars with the 6.6 kW charger or faster end up paying more by using those.
That was my understanding as well. I also thought it will be expensive to charge using the paid station. But just for an experiment I charged at work and in my previous tank I got about 84 MPG overall. I did the cost per mile calculation by including the charging expense and I got pretty much the same as what I would have spend with out charging. So considering the reimbursement, it becomes cheaper. Just to confirm, I'm trying the experiment again, and so for in the current tank, I'm getting about 120 MPG. So I'm expecting this time it might be even cheaper.
If the employer reimburses, isn't that free (after rebates). Note some Chargepoint 'bill' for time connected, some session active (time) and some kWH.
None of that "reimburse" stuff from my employer. It's $1/hr for each of the first 5 hours, $5/hr thereafter. At least Chargepoint charges by the minute, so you don't have to worry about being one minute late and costing $1.
At $1/hr I probably wouldn't charge the PiP, gas is cheaper than 50c/kWH. No reimbursement for me, either, but its 50c/hr.