Thank you for contacting me in regards to Assembly Bill 2628, my bill allowing single-occupant hybrid vehicles to use carpool lanes. Only hybrid vehicles that achieve 45 miles per gallon or higher and qualify under California’s strict emission vehicle law are allowed access to the HOV lanes. The hybrid vehicles that are eligible for HOV access include the Honda Insight, Honda Civic Hybrid, and Toyota Prius. To update you, when 50,000 stickers have been issued by the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV), the bill provides that a full review will be conducted by the Department of Transportation on any traffic impacts of hybrids in carpool lanes. As of now, the DMV has issued 49,392 stickers, which means they should hit the 50,000 threshold shortly. The review should be done within 90 days. The DMV will continue to issue stickers until it reaches the final 75,000 limit, or pending release of the findings. Drivers who have already received the HOV stickers will be allowed to use the carpool lane until January 1, 2008. I will keep you informed on any further developments. Should you have additional questions on this or any state-related matter, please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, FRAN PAVLEY Assemblymember, 41st District
fyi: we received our stickers this past saturday, 3/18/06, and the form stated that we were number 52,000-something. so the $50K threshold has been met. does anyone know if they're leaning towards extending the program beyond January 1, 2008? or when that decision will be announced? fingers crossed that they do!!!