I'm not aware of any full-time MBA program that takes over two years, assuming you have the basic math, stats, and accounting courses under your belt. I have heard of some 1-year programs, but they are generally of low quality. My current employer paid for my (evening) MBA. Took me just over four years and my employer reimbursed over $50k in tuition and books. I'm not sure I would have gone had I had to pay for it myself. I had a friend in the program who had an accounting background and he was able to finish much quicker than me as he received credit for several accounting and finance classes. The program I was in was in US News & World Reports top-ten list of evening MBA programs. Taking two years off to do a full-time program was an impossibility. I would have given up well over $500k in income and lost opportunity had I done that, and I had a mortgage to pay.
that's a good point. i've seen the politics hell side of grad school. it was not pleasant and it pushed me to the edge of taking the lower degree and getting the hell out. however, everywhere you go, especially in my area, you have to deal with that crap. and if anything, it teaches you when to walk away. (from a boss, a lab, a collaboration, etc) i think a lot of people walk into grad school expecting to not have to deal with any politics and that is pretty unrealistic, as it is in life at large. but, on the other side of the coin, there's no need to get students involved in powerplays between faculty either. that shouldn't play into student affairs. from this point in my graduate career (that is, phase 1 will- i hope- be over in may) ... it's more like 95% learning how to be a stubborn bastard and 5% education.
Yep, engineering is dead! :blink: College Grads Face Hot Job Market Note the table accompanying the article, which indicates the high paying fields: High paying fields Highest starting salary offers to new college graduates. 1. Chemical engineering: $55,900. 2. Computer engineering: $54,877. (etc....)
Cough, gag...hack...sputtter....250K/ per yr income???? What the heck did you need to go to grad school for? How the heck am I surviving on my 1/4 of that income? :lol:
I meant total compensation - including stock options that took multiple years to vest. There was one guy in my program who was a senior VP making over $400k a year in base salary (his salary was disclosed publicly by the company), and another who from past professional successes was worth eight figures. The student parking lot at night was filled with cars like Porsche 911s and Boxters, BMX X5 4.4i, Audi A6 4.2, etc.
OK that is great, but what about Medicine or Nursing, and the latter is often 4 years beyond high school! We don't have the people to care for us! We, in the medical field, all joke that I will have to make round on the nurses that pass me my Meds in the nursing home. What are the rest of you going to do we will be to old to take care of you! Not a joke. We are all slipping behind. I am thrilled that none of my children went in to Nursing or Medicine though both could have if they wanted it bad enough. Why they both have well paying jobs with benefits that are rewarding and way, way less demanding than medical fields. Imagine your self being paid to go hiking and backpacking all summer! That is what my son does. I never had a tan because I was inside 18-20 hours a day at that age. Who is going to take care of you when you get older? Will they speak English as a primary language? Who is going to design the next big thing in computers? Or cars? Or what ever? We will be driving around 100 miles of roads in 50 years because the bridge that our fathers used over the river has fallen into disrepair and we don't have a choice. OK it has been a bad week but damm we need to begin to invest in our kids and our infrastructure.