I can't get automatic logon to work on this site. I check the "remember me" box, but next time I enter, I have to type my user name and password. No biggy, just an annoyance...
Danny, Lots of folks seem to have trouble with automatic login with this style of web site....I can't get auto login to work here or priusonline.com. BUT, Netscape will usually automatically put my screen name and password in for me. --evan
Hmm.... I'll do some research and see if I can find a fix for the issue. Thanks for bringing it to my attn. I haven't had any problems - using IE6.
Just tried it with IE6 and auto-login doesn't work there either. I am using a cable modem for access, not aol. I DO have a Zone Alarm Pro firewall which may be a factor. Haven't tried turing it off. If you find a fix that would be great, but I think it's a bug in the software for this program as the Priusonline admin was not able to solve the problem either....I just work around it and it's not a big deal.
autologin I got it to work doing what Danny said, deleting the cookies and re entering my info on the signin page and checking the Rember me thing. Also, make sure you go here threw the same adress all the time, because it will create diffrent cookies for each one. For example, www.priuschat.com and priuschat.com both will get cookies and will interfer with each other.
Re: autologin That's another point I was going to make. You might want to try deleting cookies, going to www.priuschat.com and signing in, then making sure from then on you use www.priuschat.com and not 'priuschat.com'.
I've experienced no problem with the auto-login feature using IE6 on both XP and W2k with the page bookmarked as follows: http://priuschat.com/forums/portal.php If I recall correctly, it even worked after I rebooted my PC.